I don't see where all lives matter?
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Do We Really Matter?

Or Are We Numbers That Politicians Count On?

Do We Really Matter?
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Do all lives really matter? Do the people who scream this over the slogan Black Lives Matter believe that all lives matter? Because in 2019 it's still hard to see. Tiki Torches and Red MAGA hats are the new insults thrown at all people who are not a white male.

It's not just racism. Not just against Black people, not anymore, nor was it. It's against Brown people, Native Americans, Homosexuals, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Women, Muslims, anyone else besides the white Christian male and his biggest supporters, the white woman who doesn't know she has rights (wake up, a whole women's movement has and is still happening and YOU are missing it).

This country was built on hatred, lies, deceit, and murder; today is no different. Today murder happens is mass numbers by bombers, shooters, and serial killers, yet its blamed on anyone and everyone else except us, the greedy Americans. Our own President with his greed and pathological lies shuts a country down to seal one side of the country from Mexicans, or people from South America who are being murdered by politicians in their own country, but how far away are we from that? We have children in cages, snatched out their parent's arms at the border. They are dying and sick.

We visit Mexico for vacations, use them for cheap labor and call on them when our country is in trouble, yet we blame them for the problems that belong here at home. Drugs come in from the very people who carry legal papers. From the top people in high places as they take drugs, mix it with chemicals and sell it at outrageous prices.

Greed is the backbone of our country, and really always has been. When we turn our backs on the very countries we stole and concurred. Our own President doesn't know that Puerto Rico is an American territory that we stole from somewhere else just like Alaska and Hawaii. Just like America itself. How many people want to talk about the real reason George HW Bush went into Iraq? How about the real reason George W Bush went back? Were there ever any weapons of mass destruction?

Do ALL lives really matter when those who yell it don't think about anyone else but those in their eyesight? When people are starving in our country, but $6 billion dollars is more important for a meaningless wall than for our nation to stay afloat. We were shut down for 35 days, causing many to face losing their homes, to choose between food and rent, and were mocked by the president telling them to tell the grocery store they will pay them later.

Our country is constantly run by people who know nothing about the country itself? Nothing about the people who are starving, who are begging, who are homeless? The ones addicted to drugs that doctors prescribed to them, the ones who are dying because the insurance companies decided that they were not worth fighting for. The ones who are faced with tough decisions and judged unfairly. The ones who sit in a cell because they cannot afford representation because someone else decided they should be caged.

The Trumps, the Clintons, the Sanders, the ones who sit on high political stands arguing over things that don't matter to the people who have no food to eat, no jobs to apply to and no roof over their head. It doesn't matter to the ones who are burying their children by the very people who were supposed to protect them, who face no penalties. To the broken court systems where money means more than justice. To the broken mental health systems where people are categorized by a book that someone wrote. To the ones who don't read the "Holy Bible", whose followers have persecuted and murdered people because 'God told them too.'

Where are our leaders? Where does it show that my life matters just as much as a white businessman who owns several businesses? How do all lives matter? How can a woman matter when what she wears determines how she is spoken to? When a victim is blamed, and an innocent lied upon? How do all lives matter?

Someone tell me because from where I stand, it looks like the wealthy lives matter. People in power say who matter while the rest of us, we are to struggle to show we matter. We are to beg, plead and prove we matter. We are a vote that doesn't count, a voice that no one listens to and part of a mass amount of people that are no more than numbers.

Well, I matter, you matter and the rest of this world matters. We need to find the good in ourselves and project it onto others instead of greed, envy, and hatred. We need to stick together and help the next person up instead of walking over someone just because they are down.

Addiction is not laughable, it's an illness. Pre-existing conditions don't determine life expectancy. Mental illness is not an excuse. We are responsible for each other. We need to help as well as hold each other accountable.

And for those who say racism is over, then why is it that my black daughters are frowned upon by white parents? Why is it that my black daughter cannot text or call her white friend unless her parents are not around? Why is it that my black daughter cried for hours because her boyfriend had to break up with her because his parents said that a black girl was unacceptable? Why is it that my black daughter wants to die because her white classmates tease and pick on her?

Prejudice in any form is WRONG, and most of the times it's due to someone hating someone for something they don't understand. Or because a man written book of riddles may possibly say that it's wrong. People judge others but complain when others judge them. People use others for what they want and then throw them away when they are done.

We are our own enemies, not someone over the border or from another country searching for asylum. We are the reason for some of our enemies because we stole from them and killed their families. AMERICA NEEDS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! America needs to stop acting like we are the best country in the world when we are number 17 in education, 27 in healthcare, 38in math, 26 in life expectancy, number 2 in homelessness, and number 1 for prisoners.

America needs to find it's humbleness, and it starts with the one who believes he's in charge.

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