Dispelling The Myths Surrounding Trump | The Odyssey Online
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Dispelling The Myths Surrounding Trump

What's the real story of the candidate who every media outlet hates?

Dispelling The Myths Surrounding Trump
Picture in Atlanta, Georgia comparing Donald Trump to Hitler YouTube

"A racist, a modern day Hitler, and a narcissist," these are the phrases used by every media outlet to describe Donald Trump, who we can all agree is the most scrutinized candidate in America's history. What we don't hear is the silent majority, the people who have followed Trump to the polls and have made his Republican campaign the most successful since Ronald Reagan's in 1984. I am here to dispel the myths about Trump: to prove that he is not prejudiced, that he actually cares about America, and that he is in fact a legitimate candidate. Sadly, I cannot prove that he's not a narcissist because all politicians are infatuated with themselves.

Trump is a businessman in the most culturally diverse city on the planet. Business has NO room for bigotry, racism, and hateful beings, especially in New York City. Simply put, Donald Trump has by default been forced to hire, apprentice, and pay minorities. Trump also has a huge minority base, taking 29% of the non-white Republican vote in Georgia according to Fox News exit polls. Lastly, there is nothing racist about being against illegal immigration because it's against the law. Donald, like all other Americans realizes that we are a country of immigrants and while it is a good thing that people want to become American there is nothing American about being uninvited guests to our party who are self-serving without paying their own taxes, income and others included.

Trump has been compared to Adolf Hitler by many critics. There is nothing ok about comparing someone to a person that was responsible for a genocide. As a comparison to other candidates Trump wants to leave the Middle East and unlike Hillary Clinton he has been a critic of the war in Iraq, one which has had devastating civilian and G.I. casualties. Unfortunately, we are now in a situation where an entire region of the world is in turmoil due to the oil hungry leadership of the establishment. There are few stable countries and the ones that the current establishment get along with are suspect of terrible human rights violations. If any group are Neo-Nazis it is the establishment, our representatives and commanders-in-chief who have been responsible for killing women and children since the Vietnam War. Moreover, for business to be conducted there must be peace, for Donald to Make America Great Again we need to be able to sell our goods overseas and the best way to do that is stability.

As a twenty-one year old voter I am not electing a president over a single issue, I am electing someone who will be in office when I graduate college and start my career. I want to elect a winner, someone who is immune to media criticism and can bring high paying jobs back to the United States. Trump truly is the most appealing candidate since FDR and his New Deal, the only one who is not a sell-out to corporations and is against the status-quo while viewing the Bill of Rights as holy and paramount for leading a nation. Why not elect a candidate who is more familiar with media criticism than the media itself? Why not elect a candidate who champions free trade and American prosperity? If anything is evident of successful leadership it's the ability to be the most optimistic about a term in office, with star-striking charisma and having the largest share of votes with the least money spent. I vote for efficiency, efficacy, and equality; I vote Trump.


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