A Definitive Timeline of Your Formal | The Odyssey Online
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A Definitive Timeline of Your Formal

A Definitive Timeline of Your Formal

With formal season soon approaching, you vow to stick to your gym routine and swear off junk food.

But then 3 am friday night comes around and you would want nothing more than a pizza to the face

The next step is finding a date which is a 2-part skill:

Part 1: Trying to get invited to a frat formal like...

Part 2: and then looking for someone to bring to yours...

Then have a 3 or 4 day internal debate of "Do I ask this cute guy in my class?"

Then decide to go with one of your guy friends because there's less stress and you know you two will have the best time and you won't have to babysit him all night

If you've scored the coveted invite to his formal, you have been handed the task of making "The Cooler". And at first you have so many ideas running through your head.

"It's going to be the best cooler anyone has ever laid eyes on." you think to yourself.

But then you realize your artistic ability stops at coloring books.

So you offer your first born child and a trip to chipotle to your artistic friend to help out.

The next step is finding the right outfit.

You've been procrastinating but finally order a dress online in the hopes that it'll be here in time for formal. But then it doesn't look as good as you thought it would and formal's in 3 days.

Now the day has come and you're already going over which poses to do for pictures, but then you pre game a little too hard and your pictures aren't all that you expected them to be.

You've lost track of time pre gaming with your friends and now you and your date have to run to make sure you make it to the busses and don't get left behind.

Then there's whatever sh*t show that occurs at the venue.

I feel like formal is kind of like Walmart in that you could be at an all time low and still not be the worst person there.

Except when you are the worst person there...then get ready for the email exec warned everyone about

Odds are, you'll end up losing your date every couple minutes and spending the majority of the time trying to find each other

Then, half way into formal, you're over it and just want to leave. Problem being that the busses don't leave for another hour and a half.

Lastly, inhale some well deserved munchies and recap the night.

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