"Stranger Things" has quickly become everyone's latest Netflix addiction. Between the suspenseful storyline and humorous cast, this show is hard to hate. While our questions have somewhat been answered by the season finale, we still can't wait to see what season two has in store. Which of our favorite characters will return? It's hard to pick favorites, as every character is just as strange and amazing as the next, but here is my ranking of the cast of Stranger Things:
1. Dustin
A loud and goofy kid, there is no doubt Dustin is everyones favorite character.
2. Chief Hopper
He helps everyone as much as he can in the search for Will and uncovers life changing secrets.
3. Eleven
Her bad ass powers are enough for us to fall in love with her.
4. Jonathan
Mysterious yet caring, all we want is for poor Jonathan to win over Nancy in the end.
5. Will
For someone who barely gets any show time, adorable Will is an easy character to like.
6. Lucas
The loud and disagreeable Lucas make him hard to always love, but he is still a good character.
7. Steve
When he's nice, we love him. When he's a jerk, we hate him.
8. Mike
As the little leader of the team, Mike has his good and bad moments.
9. Nancy
Boy-confused Nancy drives us all crazy when it comes to Jonathan and Steve. Make up your mind.
10. Joyce
Joyce and her lights. This erratic mother was quite something, but at least she never gave up on her search for Will.