Dear Mom,
You are more than enough.
I know sometimes it may not feel like it. It can be stressful being both a full-time mom and a full-time worker. I understand that sometimes grocery shopping can feel like a terrible drag. I know that having three children is a huge hassle, and sometimes we make life difficult. Sometimes the high levels of stress caused by life in general makes you want to curl up for a long nap. But instead you spend that time listening to me rant about my day while you cook dinner. You never let us kids know how stressful it really is being a mom, because you care too much to let us stress, too. We appreciate that.
You are seriously the best.
I can’t remember a time when you weren’t willing to drop everything to help me out with a problem. You always ask about my day and you genuinely care about my response. I know that sometimes it’s hard when you don’t get to spend as much time with us as you would like. Two of us are no longer in the house year-round. It’s hard to watch us grow up. But we’ll never be too old for you. I’ll still want cuddles and kisses years from now. You’ll still be the first person I want to braid my hair. You’re always there for me, and I can’t thank you enough.
You are my best friend.
We have always been close. You have always been my idol, and I can’t think of anyone I would rather have as an influential person during my years of self-discovery. It’s the little parts of our relationship that make me so unbelievably happy. I love that you always count on me to paint your nails. I love that we spend our time watching unbearably cheesy rom-coms and talking about life. I am so thankful for the trip to Arkansas that we took last spring. I am so thankful that I was blessed with you as not only a mother, but also a best friend. Thank you for giving me life and love.
I love you.
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love you. It’s hard to even describe how much you mean to me. You’re always the first person that I want to talk to about everything. You understand the words that I can’t bring myself to say out loud. You hold me when I cry and reassure me that things will get better. They always do. I know I tell you this a lot, because you deserve to be reminded every day. I love you.
Without you there is no me.
I mean this quite literally. You are the reason I exist. But also I have you to thank for who I am as a person. You have shaped me into the individual that I am today. I am so grateful for everything you have taught me. I am grateful for your patience, because I know that sometimes I can be a bit much to handle. I am so very blessed to have you as my mother.
So mom, next time that you’re feeling down about anything, please remember this letter.
You deserve better than a lot of the things you are given, but I know that you count your blessings. And at the end of the day, you wouldn’t trade your life for anything in the world. Thank you for continuing to work hard every day and for proving that the sun will always rise on even the darkest of days.
I love you more than I could ever really put into words.
Your daughter,