Dear Mom,
I just want to thank you. Thank you for always being there for me, for helping me with whatever problems I have, and for being so strong. When I felt so alone you were there. When I was failing math you helped me by making these tests. I'm still terrible at math (LOL), but you really helped me all those years ago. When Uncle Phillip died, I thought that I was going to have to be the strong one. It turns out that it was you who had to be strong. I was the one who fell apart, I was the one who needed you, not the other way around. I love you for that. I don't know how I was going to survive all that pain, but you stayed right by my side the whole way. So thank you. Thank you for holding my hand throughout all these years.
How in the world am I going to survive college without you? Three hours just seems like a lifetime away. There's just so much to tell you, so many things to thank you for. I feel like no matter what I say or how I say it you'll never fully grasp how much I love you and how grateful I am for what you do and who you are. You're so kind and beautiful. You treat every person with love and respect. You are my role model. When I think of all the great Christian examples, I think of you. You put God first in your life and everything you do. You helped Dad see the light and helped him turn his life to Christ. You took me to church and raised me in a good christian home. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be lost. You're my inspiration and hero. I know that God blessed me with the best. I know that your mom and brother are so proud of how strong you were when they left. We'll see them again someday.
The next few months will be so different without you, even though I'm coming home every weekend. Who else is going to cook, or clean, or do laundry LOL? Who else is going to make me watch The Young and The Restless against my will? Who else will binge watch Law and Order SVU with me? Who else is going to fall asleep during every movie and then wake up only to do snack runs? I'm going to miss you Mom. I'm going to miss doing all these things with you. I'm going to miss our little fights and our bonding sessions. I'm going to miss doing your hair and makeup for you. I'm going to miss going shopping and being forced to clean condos (NASTY LOL). Most of all, I'm going to miss how close you are. Instead of being just a hallway away, it's now three hours. I love you Mom.
Leaving home is going to be the second hardest thing I'll ever do. Leaving you will be the first. I'm excited to go to college. I'm excited to make new friends and be in a new place. I'll just miss you the whole time, but at least I'll be home every weekend. Thank you for going above and beyond for me. Thank you for being there through all of my struggles and holding my hand through them all. Thank you for being the kindest and most loving woman in the world.
With all of my love,