Dear Justin Bieber, I'm Sorry...
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Dear Justin Bieber, I'm Sorry...

A letter I never thought I would write and yet I did.

Dear Justin Bieber, I'm Sorry...

Alright world I never thought in a million years that I personally would be writing these words on my own accord. However here I am writing these exact words. Everyone, we need to talk about Justin Bieber. I myself have never experienced what has been called, at times, the "Bieber Fever" nor I have ever spent hours listening to his music wishing I could be his girlfriend. I, to be completely honest, have never really been a fan of Justin's simply because I wasn't all too impressed with his music. However, he has always been on my radar because I have always been a fan of the entertainment world due to my love of film and music. Movies and music have always been an important aspect of my life; so much so that people in my family have come to me at times simply to ask for the latest update on what is happening in this particular area of the world. Therefore, being the entertainment geek that I am it was, and still is, nearly impossible to ignore the fateful day that Ellen Degeneres introduced the world to a young Justin Bieber on her daytime television show. This day went on to live in infamy as the day that forever changed not only his life but also the lives of many young teenage girls around the globe.

I, however, was not one of those girls. Frankly, I thought his music sucked and found myself wanting to break my radio every time his lovely song entitled "Baby" or any other song sung by him came over the airway of my speakers. In addition to this, I found his frequent clothing choice of the now rather iconic purple sweatshirt annoying and at times unneeded. I also, along with the rest of the world, have had the honor of witnessing all of Justin's various choices indirectly and mistakes that have been documented by the imperfect media we have in this beautiful country called America. Now I will whole-heartedly admit that I have had my fair share of opinions and things to say in regard to Justin's choices and some of it was and is not very nice at all. That is apart from his tattoo choices because I like tattoos. It is my personal belief that anyone who has a tattoo on their body has some interesting stories to tell and frankly, I like listening to tattoo stories even when the story is serious, dumb or funny.

However, I am not writing this article because I wish to discuss Justin's mistakes past or present, instead I would like to issue a public apology. So Justin, I am from the bottom of my heart so incredibly sorry for everything I have said or thought about you due to your publicized action that has not been reflective of your true character as a human being. No human being deserves to have their life paraded around for the whole world to see and comment on. I am sorry that you have to live your life constantly surrounded by the flash of endless cameras. No one should have to go about living their life knowing that every time they venture out in public there is a good chance that a person carrying a camera could be following them, even if it is part of the job description. Everyone deserves a level of privacy and I truly don't think it is fair that you have to sacrifice any part of it in order to do what you love and what the Lord has clearly called you to do with your life.

Now, to everyone else reading this article I would like to address and call your attention to a recent video that I found floating around my Facebook feed and no doubt by now the rest of the internet. In the video taken by a fan this past Tuesday September Twentieth in Paris, during the latest leg of his Purpose World Tour; Justin sings the widely popular christian song "I could Sing of Your Love Forever" acoustically in front of an audience made up of thousands...

In light of this video that is no doubt viral by now, I have a few more things I would like to say to Justin.

First Justin, I would like to say with my whole heart that I admire and respect you. As a young christian woman of twenty, I can honestly say that I admire your courage and your boldness. It takes a lot to live in a world everyday where every move you make is being watched; it takes a lot to be a man of integrity and faith in world that is in many ways at times contradictory to how it should be.

Second, I thank the Lord for your gift of music, testimony and all you've been through. I don't care what your past looks like I only care about what your present looks like and more importantly what your heart looks like. The Lord loves you. Even though I have never met you, the Lord has and he sees how beautiful, compassionate and kind your heart is and as a result I see it too.

Third, I pray for you.Yes, Justin Bieber I pray for you and I pray for your family. I declare blessing and increase over you and your family and I also declare protection over you and those you love in this crazy world that is life. But most of all I declare that you would be a blessing to every person you come in contact with throughout your life because simply by knowing them their life is changed by what you carry within you.

In closing this letter Justin, I want you to know that if in fact we ever did meet in person I would consider it an honor and I would be truly happy to call you my friend. Not because you are, in fact, a celebrity but rather because of who you are as an individual person on this earth.

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