Dear America,
I know little to nothing about politics, and I'm not going to look up facts on the internet and pretend that I do. But I have something to say.
Today after a long day of work, I sat down on the couch in my living room and began to watch the news coverage on the Republican National Convention. I wasn't paying much attention because, like I said, I don't care too much for politics. However, for the first time in my life, chills were sent up and down my body after viewing this ad during a commercial break:
I'm not one to write controversial articles or even talk about touchy subjects, but this one is hard to ignore. It's crazy to me how as children, our parents go out of their way to try to shield us from any hate or bad influence in the world. We have curfews because "nothing good happens after midnight," and our parents are the first to tell us when they believe we may be hanging around someone who is a "trouble-maker." But this is what we've come to.
In this day and age, it's nearly impossible to protect the children of America from things no one at a young age should see, and this is due to the rapid growth of the internet and social media outlets. However, we do have control over something: who we vote to be their role model and represent our country.
I'm simply saying that we have a choice, and I can't seem to find one bit of hope in a candidate that throws around curse words and degrading comments without a worry in front of the whole country, including our children. I'm not necessarily saying I'm going to vote for the alternative; in fact, I may result in writing my own candidate in.
I don't have any kids, but I am still young and fondly remember being one. I remember being so easily influenced by what I heard at school or saw on TV. I looked up to elders because that's instinctively what one does as a kid.
As a proud American citizen, I know that I wouldn't want the President of the United States to say or do anything that I wouldn't say or do myself around my future children, and you shouldn't want that either. They are the future of this country, and there has been enough hate and bad influence happening in the world already. We can't welcome any more hate into our beautiful country.
It's important to keep in mind during this election that "our children are watching," just like the ad states. They are the sponges of society and are constantly paying attention and learning from what goes on around them, soaking up morals and ideas from what they hear. What example will you choose to set?
Don't Trump America.