Radio personality and former Playmate Dani Mathers was banned from LA Fitness for posting a picture of a naked woman in the gym locker room. She snaps the pic with a caption that reads “If I can’t unsee this, you can’t either.” She then uploaded the picture to Snapchat.
The picture made its way to social media after Dani claims that she accidently sent the photo to all of her followers when it was only intended to be seen by one individual. You don’t have to imagine all the backlash she received from posting a photo like this. Her fans and followers on social media were disgusted with her behavior, to say the least.
Even former playmate Kendra Wilkinson commented briefly, calling Dani’s behavior a “stupid act” that has no reflection on the rest of the Playmates. L.A Fitness responded to the whole situation by banning Dani Mathers from all LA Fitness gyms. A spokesperson from the gym franchise says that Dani “is not aloud back at the club, ever.”
Talk about a liability, huh?
Her job as a regular radio host on radio show Heidi and Frank is also on the rocks. According to TMZ, Dani has been suspended from the show. Her former radio mates say that although the whole situation seems “out of character” for the former playmate”, the situation is “unfortunate for everyone involved.” Heidi and Frank went to another radio show to discuss the situation. Heidi hopes that “something good can come from this”, and that everyone can learn to be “nicer to each other all the way around.”
In case you were wondering, Dani did apologize for her Snapchat snafu in the video below to fans. She says that “accidentally” sent the photo, and that her actions don’t reflect who she is as a person.
The apology seems to come too little too late, as there are already pending lawsuits against her and people are generally angry at her for violating the mystery woman’s sense of privacy. Since the incident happened on July 14th, Mathers has supposedly commissioned a famous lawyer to help her with the matter. Whatever the outcome, I hope justice will be served.
Situations like this are why people are so afraid to go to the gym in the first place. There is no justifiable reason to humiliate someone who is making a conscious decision to exercise. As far as we know, this lady and Dani are there for the same reasons: to better themselves. She knows it was wrong for taking a picture like that, whether it was meant to be seen by one person or 100,000 people. A famous person with a career in the media should generally know better. It’s even more sad that it took a reaction from the whole world for her to realize pictures like these shouldn’t be taken in the first place.
What do you think about this situation? Comment below!