The Crazy Things That The First Cold Snap Will Make You Do
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The Crazy Things That The First Cold Snap Will Make You Do

As soon as the first leaf falls, you know it's that time of year...

The Crazy Things That The First Cold Snap Will Make You Do
Jenna Podgorski

As the hues of the leaves shift to yellow, brown, orange and red, so do the seasons. Fall is finally here, and the autumn aura is in the air. The end of September to the beginning of November is simply the most vibrant and colorful time of the year, and it is quite difficult not to be captivated by such a wonderful season. Once the first cold snap arrives, you will be in the mood to do anything and everything associated with fall.

1. You will eat an abundance of things with pumpkin spices and apple slices.

Everything that is sweet and savory is now available in pumpkin and apple flavors. These two flavors will make your tastebuds tingle, and there is an abundance of options in which they can be used for cooking and baking recipes.

2. You will start taking artsy photographs of the trees.

Ah, nothing better than the classic “falling for fall” instagram photograph as you are basically documenting the fact that the leaves are no longer green. It is a timeless classic, and it is inevitable whether you like to admit that you took the photograph or not.

3. You will want to jump for joy in a pile of leaves.

Honestly, this is so much fun. It might have been more exciting as a child, but it is still fun to do. Throw the leaves up in the air and watch them float back down to the pile.

4. You will put on your comfy sweaters and endless layers over them.

Fall fashion trends are finally in. It is the only season in which it is acceptable to wear black, orange, green and purple all at once. Okay, maybe not all at once, but you still get my point. On a more serious note, you can finally bust out the oversized sweaters, puffy vests, thick flannels and trendy scarves. If you are feeling brave enough, I dare you to break in your new duck or ugg boots.

5. You will be itching to go to apple orchards and pumpkin patches.

Yay for being able to actually spend time outdoors without being drenched in sweat! But for real, apple orchards and pumpkin patches are a must. There are so many activities to participate in, treats to eat, and candid photo opportunities waiting to happen.

6. You will start making plans to go to haunted houses and corn mazes.

This stuff is spooky. I am not a fan of haunted houses, but if you like being scared to the point that you practically pee your pants, then props to you for taking the risk to make it out of the haunted houses. Corn mazes are cool until you get lost and start to panic that you will be trapped in there forever. These two things are so thrilling and definitely worth the adventure.

7. You will enjoy tailgating on a chilly game day.

Since it is prime-time football season, there are so many games to attend. What better way to celebrate a game day than on a chilly, fall day? You can get all decked out in your warm clothes while still representing your team's colors!

8. You will remember that apple cider is actually a thing.

Although it is probably served year-round at a lot of places, apple cider is finally relevant again. Add a little bit of cinnamon to it for an extra touch of flavor; you will thank me later.

9. You will either buy or make your own caramel apples.

Granny smith apples covered with caramel and then rolled in peanuts, sprinkles or whatever type of toppings are the best. Yummy.

10. You will be addicted to all of the scary movies and Halloween movies on Netflix.

It is that time of year in which scary movie marathons are essential to the perfect fall day. Tune into some of the best horror films of all time, grab some friends and bond over gory and suspenseful scenes. Don’t forget the popcorn!

11. You will make a trip to the store and purchase all of the fall-themed candles.

There is nothing more soothing than lighting a candle and watching the flame flicker as the aroma of vanilla, pumpkin spice or apples and cinnamon fills the room.

12. You will grab your favorite book and blankets.

Curling up into a ball nestled in with your fluffiest blanket will be super comfortable, especially when you have your favorite book to read while doing so. If you do not have a favorite book, make a trip to your local bookstore or library and select a book that you have not read before. If you are really into it, ignite the fire for your fireplace or turn on some smooth music.

13. You will want to sleep with your windows open.

As you are getting ready for bed, feel free to crack open your window a little bit. Having the fresh, brisk air flow into your room will make it much easier to fall asleep since your room will be at a comfortable temperature.

14. You will purposely step on crunchy leaves.

There is nothing more satisfying than taking a stroll on a calm, autumn morning and hearing the leaves crunch beneath your feet. Rather than walking in a straight line, you might go out of your way to step on the crunchiest looking leaves that have fallen from the trees.

15. You will be excited because the holiday season is amongst us.

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year’s and more are all coming, and they will be here before you know it. Holidays are the best simply because you can gather with your closest family members and friends and bond over stories, traditions and food. There is always so much joy in the air and love to share with others!

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