I Met My Boyfriend Playing Video Games And He Drove 2,000 Miles To Come See Me In Person
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I Met My Boyfriend Playing Video Games And He Drove 2,000 Miles To Come See Me In Person

Driving 29 hours only took him two days, too.

I Met My Boyfriend Playing Video Games And He Drove 2,000 Miles To Come See Me In Person
Jordan Miller and Adam Rosenbaum

I have always been a hopeless romantic.

I found love in the weirdest most unexpected way. I never thought I would find love on a video game, and if someone told me a year ago that I would meet my best friend and lover on a game I would have laughed at them. But it happened and I soon found myself in a long distance relationship.

I met my boyfriend playing Fortnite, I would randomly play with random people online when I was bored and to pass time. When playing with random people one day I ran into someone I soon could not imagine ever losing. The only problem was he lived In Arizona and I live in Michigan so that means he is 2,000 miles away from me...

It started out as a friendship.

We would play many hours every day together, learning new things as we both played a game together we enjoyed. We became best friends and began telling each other everything. After a month of playing every day together, we started FaceTiming and having long conversations on the phone.

I fought the feelings for a couple of weeks knowing that the distance was just too much and it seemed like a childish thought to think that anything could possibly work.

What I did not know was that the boy I was secretly crushing on 2,000 miles away, felt the same exact way I did. One night on the phone he told me he had feelings for me and it was so much more than a friendship to him. The news excited me but also scared me because that number of miles in between was always going to be there.

Even though I was scared I knew that it felt so right and I could not hold myself back like I have many times before in the past. One late night he told me he was going to come visit me. Within a couple of weeks he was on a plane to meet me for the first time.

I have never felt nerves like I felt the night he flew into the Detroit Airport. I woke up early that morning and tried on ten different outfits running around my apartment like a lunatic. I could not even believe it was happening. The plan was that he was going to stay for a week and we were not going to force anything but just enjoy each others company.

The night I picked him up from the airport he called me and told me he was walking out the terminal to where the cars were parked. I looked out of my best friends car window and saw him walking towards the car and my heart dropped. This is the moment I have thought about countless times for the past month and a half and it was finally coming true. I quickly got out of the vehicle and ran towards him. Immediately hugging him. It honestly felt like I was in a scene like I have seen in the movies as a little girl.

His first trip out here ended up turning out amazing! After a week of going on many dates and getting to know each other more, we soon came to realize that our feelings for each other were just too much to ignore. He was only supposed to stay a week but ended up staying almost two whole weeks extending his stay because he just simply did not want to go home.

We ended the trip on a good note and decided that even though there was going to be a distance between us we wanted to make it work and be in a relationship. I was scared because this was going to be my first relationship where distance was a huge factor but I knew that he was the one I wanted to be with.

Not even two weeks after him leaving he texted me one day and told me he couldn't do the distance and he was going to move here. He packed up his car that night and headed back to Michigan. He drove all through the night only stopping once in Texas and was quickly back knocking on my apartment door.

He has been living with me for four months now and things could not be better. Every day is a journey and this love story has been one of the craziest journeys in my life so far. But it continues to challenge and excite me every day.

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