PoliticsJan 08, 2018
How To Combat Sexual Harassment In The Workplace
It's time to put this to an end.

As a college student, being a nanny over the summer is both enjoyable and challenging. Underneath the seemingly perfect trips to the pool or countless hours spent playing Monopoly are the obstacles that only nannies will understand. Trading in your valuable summer vacation in return for three months spent with a few children less than half your age may seem unappealing, but so many moments make it rewarding. For my fellow summer nannies out there, I know you can relate.
You may just be the nanny, but that doesn't stop the other moms from wanting to include you in their gossip sessions or carpool rotations.
The only type of bag that can hold a plethora of snacks, sand toys, and extra clothes for the kids to change into after they swim.
You've been given the extra booster seat for running errands with the kids during the week. Next thing you know, it's Saturday night and your friends are laughing over the crammed backseat, car seat and all.
If you can somehow manage to get all the kids napping at the same time, major props to you. Now you can enjoy a few hours to yourself (or maybe even take a nap of your own!).
When they can't agree on a meal or when you don't make it exactly like their mom does...
When you ask them to clean their room and they ask "why?!" you can finally reply with "because I said so," just like your mom would say to you.
Forcing the kids to wear sunscreen while they play outside is such a motherly thing to do, and you love it.
Love hard, every day, and never be ashamed.
If it hurts now, it'll hurt again. Not because you're gullible or naive, only because you fall fast, hard, and you do it every time.
We fall each and every time with the complete and utter confidence that someone will be there to catch us. Now that person we SWORE we were never going to fall for has our hearts, and every time we see them our palms start sweating. The butterflies in our stomach start to soar and our hearts are entirely too close to bursting out of our chests.
The downside is however, we're too forgiving. We give second and third chances because we love strongly, we try to fix the broken parts. Even if it would be easier leaving the broken pieces, than picking them up and slicing our hand. Falling too fast means seeing the best in them and hoping for the best. We love like it's the last thing we'll ever do, and sometimes it hurts us in the end, however, I don't think we care.
To the girls who fall too fast, I hope you know it's not your fault it didn't work out, don't put yourself down, don't blame yourself.
You get attached too easily and love too strongly, that's not a bad thing. It means your hearts are a few sizes bigger than the rest. One day someone will be there to catch you when you fall, and you'll love them harder than you've loved any of the others.
To the girls who fall too fast, never say you're sorry for feeling what you feel. Your feelings don't need to be explained. You're allowed to feel. It may be too much for him or her, but it's never unacceptable. You're allowed to love as strongly as you love, never apologize for that.
To the girls who fall too fast, remember to pick yourself up after a heartbreak. Your heart may not mold back together perfectly but it will eventually. If they weren't there to pick up the pieces, then do it yourself. Eat a pint of ice cream and cry, it's OK.
Not everyone you fall for is going to end up being the love of your life (even if you believed that they would be).
To the girls who fall too fast, don't lose hope. When you find someone who will love every part of you, as strongly and sincerely as you love them. It'll be the best feeling in the world. When you hear the words "I love you" and they are spoken in the most sincere way, it'll make your heart soar higher than any crush did before.
To the girls who fall too fast, love hard, every day, and never be ashamed.
Growing up I have always wanted to own a horse. My grandparents own a well known equestrian facility in Georgia, so I have been riding since I was born. A bond between a person and their horse is a bond so strong that it cannot be broken. Everywhere I went I wanted to be around horses, even forcing my family to go on trail rides during vacations. Horses have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember has taught me great responsibility, as well as 14 things that all equestrians can relate to.
Thanks for that.
Only for your horse to do this.
The most stubborn creatures of all time.
Saddles, bridles, and boots, oh my!
You try sitting on a one-ton animal with a mind of its own and tell it to jump over a 3-foot fence!
Horseback riding is something every little girl dreams of doing, and I know it is something I will do for the rest of my life.
When you're struggling to keep afloat, keep going.
College is super hard. Between working, studying, and having a social life, it feels like a struggle to just keep afloat.
I understand. When you feel like your drowning and there's no way to stay afloat I understand that it feels like everyone else is doing just fine. I understand all the frustration, long nights in the library, and that feeling that you want to just throw in the towel. I understand that sometimes it's too hard to get out of bed because your brain is already filled with too much information to remember. I understand because I am also feeling pretty burnt out.
Sometimes picking up a pencil to do homework in the library feels like picking up a car. Sometimes I don't even make it to the library to study because I have no motivation to walk there. I'm in my junior year and my advisor has recently told me I am not graduating on time and basically my GPA sucks. I cried in her office and for two days after that. I work two jobs sometimes seven days a week. I spend my free time in the library trying to submit my homework on time. On my drive to my second job, I listen to a nutrition podcast about what's actually happening in the field. I've been drowning since the first day of classes. Keeping afloat is a daily struggle that I'm getting really tired of doing. But I'm going to anyway.
Everyone in college is feeling burnt out to some degree. Graduating "on time" doesn't happen for everyone. Sometimes your GPA sucks because you have a lot on your plate. Whether it's family issues, taking classes year round, a stressful job, lots of classwork, or just the stress you put on yourself, everyone is feeling burnt out. And I know you feel like you're the only one. Trust me sometimes I feel alone in that too. But after graduation, you'll be thankful for all the stress and anxiety you had in college. When you reach your goals in life you'll look back and be grateful things happened the way they did because you came out stronger.
It's okay to have days that you contemplate dropping out. But acknowledge that and keep going. Break up your work into manageable chunks and keep going. Buy a planner and write down all your assignments and the time they're due so you can time manage better and keep going. Clock into your job and do what you have to do and keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.
Panicking and pulling all-nighters will not allow you to get an A.
Some of the best advice I've ever received was from my social studies teacher in sophomore year of high school. He stated, "If you don't know it at midnight, you're not going to know it for the 8 a.m. exam, so get some sleep."
It's such a simple piece of advice, but it holds so much accuracy and it's something that the majority of college students need to hear and listen to. "All-nighters" are a commonality on college campuses in order to cram in studying for an exam that is typically the next day.
Although it seems like you're obtaining so much valuable information in that period of time, the lack of sleep most likely is causing you to retain little to no information at all. There's a reason that doctors recommend a certain amount of sleep, especially for students, because that's the amount they need to function properly throughout their school day.
Putting aside even half an hour a day to dedicate to that subject could alleviate the pressure you feel right before the exam because you'll feel comfortable and familiar with the material. This could benefit what is known as the mental health portion of the health triangle.
In the eighth grade, my health teacher lectured on for multiple classes about something called the "health triangle." It consists of three components; mental, social, and physical health. The message of the lectures was always that the triangle contains a domino effect, with each part of it affecting the others. If one section is displeased, the others will follow in their footsteps.
This lesson is one I have valued for over five years because while carrying out my everyday activities, I've realized how valid this theory is.
Many college kids feel as though they need to stay inside the library or their dorm during any free time in order to do homework or study. This will negatively affect both the mental and physical aspects of the triangle, therefore throwing everything off. Yes, the majority of a college student's time should be spent performing school-related tasks, but it's important for students to go out and be entertained even an hour per week in order to not completely lose their mind.
By "going out," in no way do I mean parties, bars, or anything related to that. Even something as simple as sitting in your friend's dorm and talking about life for an hour can reboot your brain to prepare it to return to studying.
In terms of the physical segment of the health triangle, many people think of this as just diet and exercise. While that is partly true, it also involves personal hygiene.
Many college kids eat their sorrows away with the junk food that they're surrounded by on campus. Others skip most meals in order to have that extra 20 minutes to study for their midterms. In either case, that isn't good for your body and surely isn't going to help you in your classes. Proper meals give you the energy you need to finish studying for that midterm you have coming up.
I've witnessed so many students walk around campus with their hair unbrushed, haven't showered in days, haven't bothered changing out of their clothes from the previous day, and practicing other gross habits. Trust me when I say that it's okay, and even important, to set aside an hour to practice proper personal hygiene. It will allow you to feel better about yourself and put you in a better mood to get your work done.
Although worrying is inevitable, in no way will it help you get a better grade, but could instead make your grades suffer. We've probably all looked at a test at least once in our lives and completely blanked on all of the answers simply because we were so scared about the grade.
Deducing stress could be helped by all of the advice already stated, time management, office hours, and tutoring. It's okay to ask for help, whether that be from a peer, a teacher, or upperclassmen. College isn't meant to be easy, but there are ways you can make it easier.