College: The Corinne Edition
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College: The Corinne Edition

The 13 times Corinne from Season 21 of The Bachelor has perfectly described college

College: The Corinne Edition
Critic of Everything

If you've been watching the newest season of The Bachelor with heart-throb Nick Viall, then you know Corinne. She's this season's Chad (aka Chad Johnson from JoJo Fletcher's season of the Bachelorette) and she has kept things interesting so far this season. Corinne has flung herself at Nick and has made it apparent that she will (a) do anything to get Nick to notice her and (b) she isn't on the show to make friends. While she has had some crazy, drama-filled moments so far on the show, Corinne can easily explain the life of a college student. From acing a test you didn't feel prepared for to having to use a disgusting bathroom when you're out on the weekend, Corinne can sum up your college life pretty well, and here is how.

1. You're first day on campus

As a freshman, your first day on campus is craziness. There are so many students, staff and faculty walking around, and there you are trying to figure out where your next class is. Even as an upperclassman, the first day is mayhem and there may even be moments where you still find yourself having to double-check yourself to make sure you are going to the right place on campus.

2. The look on your face when the professor is reading the syllabus on the first day...

All the tests, quizzes and assignments have you all sorts of pissed and overwhelmed at the same time. You signed up for this course thinking that it was going to be a breeze, but then you saw the syllabus and heard the professor do their usual "first day" lecture, and now you're regretting your decision to take this class.

3. Sometimes you just need some sweets to get through the day

After a long day of classes, you're about ready to crash and you need sugar ASAP to get through the pounds of homework you have awaiting for you or maybe you're sitting in the library dozing off and you need a little kickstart. 10/10 would recommend pulling a Corinne by carrying a can of whipped cream with you on campus to give you that little burst of sugar you need whenever you need it.

4. Sometime you just need a nap...or 5

After the sugar comes the crash and as college students we find ourselves taking one...two...three...or more naps a day without any shame in the world. Classes and homework are hard enough, but add in the combination of going out three days a week and staying up super late, and you've got one tired college student just trying to survive. Naps are necessary for us to both survive and thrive during our college years.

5. Going into a disgusting bathroom while you're out on the weekend

You know that one bathroom that you avoid like no other when you're out and about on the weekend? Yeah, Corinne can relate perfectly toward the gross bathrooms that you encounter on the weekend at your favorite bar, club or hangout spot on the weekends. It's disgusting and just walking in there makes you feel 10 times grosser than you already did.

6. When you're so stressed and you just need a mental break

If this is not the most accurate thing you've seen all day, then I don't know what else could describe your mind when you're so overwhelmed with stress and you just need a break. The amount of information in your head for your upcoming test, the do-list that's about a mile long that's floating around in your head and the weekly drama that has been filling your social life is making your brain feel like it's going to explode. Sometimes you just need to let it out and let go of the stress, and who cares if you look weird doing it?

7. Dancing at a party or local club and feeling like a complete idiot

Dancing is fun and all, but sometimes you feel silly just even attempting - especially when you're trying to impress someone. Corinne is no stranger to this feeling as she tried to out dance the other girls while on a group date with some of the girls, Nick and The Backstreet Boys. No pressure or anything Corinne.

8. Cumulative finals...just why?

Cumulative final....those are the two words you never want to here while sitting in class on the first day or halfway throughout the semester. How are we supposed to remember content from the first half of the first semester when we've broken the content up into three different tests? Most students forget the information after they've studied and taken the test, and cumulative finals just make finals week that more painful.

9. A typical weekend consists of...

Yep. Nothing like going out and having a good time after a week full of tests, homework, classes, stress and just too much on your plate in general. It's time to let loose and have some fun, and Corinne would be partying along right beside you.

10. When a break is so close but so far

The weeks leading up to break seem to go by so slow, and the end can be so near. You crave sleeping in your own bed, eating your mom's home cooked meals, petting your dogs and doing nothing all day but binge-watching Netflix in your bed without a care in the world. Home is all that you want, and it's what you need to get through the rest of the semester.

11. Getting all dressed up to go out

Getting all done-up to go out can be so much fun. Honestly, I've had some of the best times just hanging out with my roommates, blaring the music, helping each other get ready and taking thousand of pictures before stepping out on the town. That's when some people feel their best, and I know I kick my confidence up a notch when I have my hair and makeup done and a cute outfit on.

12. But then, when you see the other girls at the party...

No matter how good you feel and how good you think you look before you go out, there's always that one flawless girl who you think looks 10 times hotter than you. She has the perfect outfit on, her hair is curled to perfection and her makeup isn't smudged whatsoever even after dancing half the night away.

13. Acing a quiz you didn't feel prepared for

Getting an A on a test or quiz that you didn't feel prepared makes you feel like a true boss. You may not have studied as much as you felt like you needed to or you may not have studied at all. There are so many situations that could lead to feeling unprepared, but coming out with an A regardless is amazing.

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