10 Things You've Always Wanted To Know About Being A Girl With Guy Roommates
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10 Things You've Always Wanted To Know About Being A Girl With Guy Roommates

4. There's A LOT of food

10 Things You've Always Wanted To Know About Being A Girl With Guy Roommates

No, this is not clickbait: I really am the only girl in a house with four college-aged guys, a 60 lb pitbull/lab mix and a betta fish named Skeeter.

However, let me clarify: I did not just move in with four random boys I found on Craigslist. My older brother had moved in with three friends and they suggested I move into the extra bedroom.

What started as a joke soon became a real suggestion and a week later I was putting down my security deposit and dragging laundry baskets up to my new bedroom. Being the only girl in a house full of boys (including the dog and fish) is quite the experience. They are all stereotypical guys. They live off of takeout and beer. They love dirty jokes, Xbox, and pretty girls.

That being said, I'm kind of a stereotypical girl. I'm convinced I'm marrying Zac Efron, Shonda Rhimes personally wronged me by killing Mark Sloan and I paint my nails every Sunday night. On the surface, you might think this is would be a recipe for disaster, but really it's been a great time. I've had more fun in the past 6 weeks than I've had in the past six years. Things are messy, over the top and just downright insane. So if you ever lose your mind and decide to move in with four college-aged guys, here's everything you need you know.

1. Contrary to popular belief, boys will clean when necessary

Surprisingly, everyone in my house cleans. The place isn't spotless but isn't trashed either. The boys have all vacuumed and we take turns with dishes. On any given Sunday, one of them will go on a cleaning spree and pick up the entire first floor. It's not unusual to see one of them pull out the Swiffer and mop the floors. Also, I haven't had to take out the trash once since I moved in. We are by no means neat freaks but we do try to keep the place relatively clean.

2. They may clean, but they're still gross

Yes, the guys vacuum the living room. Yes, the dishes get done. That being said, boys are still gross. I went away for three days and came back to every dish we own dirty and only one clean spoon in the drawer. The coffee table is often littered with empty cans, midnight snack cereal bowls, god knows what else. I'm not sure any of them have ever cleaned a bathroom before. Their laundry will sit on the stairs for weeks on end. One unidentified roommate consistently leaves a pile of wet tube socks in the corner of the bathroom. Things will get gross very quickly if someone (usually me) doesn't stay on top it.

3. The house is open 24/7

This house does not have an off switch. Someone is always watching tv, playing Xbox, ordering pizza or going to pick up said pizza. To date, our living room (which can only fit about 8 people) has 3 TVs, 2 Xboxes, an Apple TV, a sound system, a record player and a 60lb dog. Everything is on and everything is loud in this house. We always have is a constant stream of people in and out. There's an open door policy at this house, whether we wanted it or not. On the weekend, I usually wake up to random boys sleeping on the couch, girls' shoes in the breezeway, and empty takeout containers scattered everywhere. You never know who or what you'll run into.

4. There's A LOT of food.

I knew guys ate a lot but this is ridiculous. I'm consistently blown away by how much food they can eat in one sitting. I've seen one or the other singlehandedly eat an entire rotisserie chicken, a whole pizza, and a couple dozen wings. Portion control isn't really a thing in our house. It's more along the lines of "cook the whole box of pasta and see what happens." Also, there is SO MUCH takeout. Pizza, wings, burgers, fries, Tully's tenders, stolen dinners from our parents' houses, the list goes on. When you live with four boys, you never miss a meal.

5. You will subconsciously do things differently

There are certain things that I used to do that I have changed since moving in here. It's not a bad thing but it wouldn't have changed if I moved in with 4 of my girlfriends. My ratty, polka-dot PJs haven't seen the outside of a dresser since I moved in. Instead of my usual pajama pants, I've been sleeping in sweats or gym shorts. I keep my tampons in my bedroom instead of under the bathroom sink. I make sure I'm home when I do my laundry so no one else has to move it to the dryer. No one in the house would notice or care if I did any different. My guess is that I changed these things for my own comfort, even if it was subconsciously.

6. Perk: Cute friends

Living with boys comes with a few perks. All of the guys I live with have a decent amount of friends. For them, it means there are always people in and out of the house. For me, it means there is a steady stream of cute boys. I can usually count on a cute guy or two at the house at least a few times a week. I don't flirt with/try to get with/speak to most of the boys who come through the house. Also, there are ones who are clearly off limits (ones with girlfriends, etc.). Still, it's nice meeting new people (girls and guys!) and expanding my friend group. and, I'm never going to complain about having cute boys in my house, ever.

7. Downside: Girl problems

When you live with your friends, you listen to their boy problems. You hear about how Colin didn't text Jenny back for three days or how Jimmy hooked up with Carly #2 from Delta Apple Pie when he was supposed to be with Ashley. In return, you complain to them about the guy whose 24 yet can't keep a conversation or the boy who says you're in love with but still won't notice you. This is VERY different when you live with boys. They call girls crazy and you roll your eyes. You complain about how all boys are idiots and they nod their heads and pretend they agree. It's the same give-take relationship but instead of mutual commiseration, it's filled with sarcasm, snark and possible insults. So be prepared.

8. Perk: there's less drama

I know everyone hates when girls say they are friends with boys because they are less drama but there really is something to it. For me, there's less drama because we don't have a lot to fight over. The only way they could "steal" my boyfriend is through a game of Fortnite or FIFA. I'm not worried about them borrowing my mascara or using up the last of my favorite perfume. If my white skinny jeans are missing, I don't have anyone to blame but me. One time they used my nail polish as a joke but other than that, I don't think I have to worry about a lot the things that cause drama between roommates. The guys and I don't have enough in common to fight over or "have drama" about.

9. Downside: there's still drama

I don't care if you live with one girl, twelve guys, or 37 cats; at some point, there will be drama. Much of the dramatics have been avoided but we haven't escaped it all. We've had a couple screaming matches, some frozen pipes, two overflowing toilets, one leaky ceiling and a pile of dirty tube socks. All of that plus a dog, a betta fish, school, work, and relationships will eventually push anyone over the edge. Thankfully we like each other enough to work it out. And, I mean a little drama keeps things fun, right?

10. Don't date your roommate!

I started this adventure off with a "roommates are off-limits" policy, and so far, so good. Here's my reasoning: the only thing that could come from you dating/hooking up with/being friends with benefits with one of your roommates is drama, hurt feelings and your other housemates being annoyed. If it ends poorly or you two aren't on the same page, you literally can't escape each other. There's an entire world of people outside of the guys in your house! And honestly, after about a week you'll either be too grossed out by them or think of them too much like a sibling to ever be attracted to them again.

So those are the ins and outs of being the only girl in a house of college-aged boys. Things are wild. They're messy. They're batshit crazy. There's no way around that. However, you will get to see things from the other side. I'll probably be a better girlfriend after this. My roommates are great guys but I hope after this they'll be even better boyfriends. Right now, I wouldn't want to live with anyone else. If you ever have the chance, take it. But be ready; you are in for the ride of your life.

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