10 Tips For Combating College: A First-Timer's Guide
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10 Tips For Combating College: A First-Timer's Guide

My two-cents to add to that stockpile, and help you maximize your time in college.

10 Tips For Combating College: A First-Timer's Guide

Classes start in just a few weeks and depending on your circle of friends, you've already gotten a ton of advice. Here's my two-cents to add to that stockpile, and help you maximize your time in college:

1. Relax

This isn't high-school. I repeat, this isn't high-school. No one is looking at your clothes. Be pleasant and talk to any and everyone. Everyone is thinking the same thing you are and they want to be reassured that someone likes them too. So just relax, and play it cool.

2. Ask

Find someone that looks like they know what they're doing and just ask them for directions when you're lost or need to know how to report that you lost your student ID (already). I assure you, they won't think you're an idiot, they'll just know that you're a freshman...

3. Sleep Consistently

I'm not telling you to try to get 8 hours of sleep every night because you're stilll growing. Nope, you're probably as tall as you're going to get. But if you're going to stay up to 3 a.m. just do it Mon-Thurs and always wake up around the same time. Your body will thank you when finals season arrives and you're already used to being up late and rising again after only getting 3-4 hours of sleep.

4. Wake Up Slowly

If it takes you an hour to get ready, wake up an hour and fifteen minutes before you need to be out the door. Listen to inspirational music, watch inspirational YouTube videos, call your mom and chat or pray together. You need to relax, but summon good energy around you first thing in the morning so you're mentally grounded through the BS of classes.

5. Know Your Style

A lot of people will badmouth a lot of professors and this can make it nearly impossible to choose classes for second semester. Don't listen to everyone. I've found that most of the professors that get trashy reviews aren't bad professors, they're just stricter than the others or less forgiving. If a professor has a bad rep ask people why. If they say they can't teach- now you know you'll need a tutor. If they say they have an accent, then you'll know you need to actually read ahead so that their lecture isn't new material said in an unfamiliar way. If they say they give pop quizzes or that their lectures and exams don't match, this is a bad professor, avoid them at all costs.

6. You Get Stuck With A Bad Professor

Become their shadow. Bother them with questions about assignments or the reading, be in their office all the time, write drafts of your papers and force them to review your drafts. This will not only make them sympathetic towards you if you ever need an extension but it will also show them that their course may be asking for too much. However, since no one ever talked to them, instead they spread their defeatist gospel: that professor doesn't know they're a bad professor. (Also, actually leave comments and suggest what can be done better for the course in the end of course evaluations.)

7.You Find Yourself Surrounded By Defeatists

These are the people that complain about every assignment, talk about how stressed they are all the time, and make it seem like every "Hey, how are you," is their perfect opportunity to unload their negativity onto you. Then they expect you to reciprocate with negative stories of your own. College is stressful, but always talking about how stressful college is, while sometimes be cathartic, shouldn't be the pillar of your college friendships.

8. Snack Often- Work Out Frequently

Don't eat huge meals in the dining room three times per day. Eat a small lunch, a moderate breakfast packed with protein, and always eat dinner at the same time of day. Figure out if you're a morning jogger, or a late night yoga class attendee now, before your body changes after your twenties.

9. Try Everything Once

Don't think you'd like parties? You won't know until you try. You can douse those self-conscious thoughts about how, "no one will know you" or, "everyone will think I'm strange". No one will be thinking sweetheart, they will all be insanely intoxicated. Even if you're not into drinking, go to a party sober, and just experience it. No one grows old and looks back fondly on all those nights of good sleep they got!

10. Make Your Own Mistakes

Take everyone's advice but make your own path. If you're a procrastinator than procrastinate wisely- get your dorm clean while you figure out what to write that paper on. This journey through college is not just about figuring out a career path. It's about you. You're going to change in college. You may pick up new good or bad habits, a nickname, and come face to face with what you are truly passionate about. Stay true to your every changing self. Embrace your faults. You're your own worst enemy and you're your greatest defender, no one can be there for you the way that you can be there for you.

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