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9 Trendy Coffee Shops In The City Of Philadelphia For All The Coffee Addicts Out There

Every city is incomplete without them.

9 Trendy Coffee Shops In The City Of Philadelphia For All The Coffee Addicts Out There

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Coffee shops. The writer's hideaway. The college student's nook. To sit down in a coffee shop with some aesthetically pleasing coffee and your laptop, in front of a big window as you occasionally look up from your screen or book to watch the day to day bustle of the city.

Every city is incomplete without them, so here are some of my favorite coffee shops, from a Philadelphia native to you, the reader, the tourist, the student.

La Colombe

La Colombe is a high class coffee place, whatever you order it's going to be the freshest and best of the best. They have locations throughout the city, including La Colombe HQ in Fishtown, but my favorite one is at Dilworth Plaza right next to City Hall.


Parliament Coffee is another high end cafe. They use La Marzocco machines and all of their coffee is sourced from a family-run farm in Nicaragua. The interior of the cafe is modern and they have comfortable leather seats. Located on 15th just before Chestnut street.


Their straws are compostable, their cups blue, and their coffee strong. Joe's coffee at Rittenhouse Square is the perfect spot to spend a summer/spring/fall afternoon doing work while overlooking the park.

Old City Coffee

A Philadelphia staple since 1985-they're still around so they must be doing something right! Check out their cafe on 2nd and Church.

Saige Cafe

Found on Temple's campus on 18th and Warnock streets, Saige is a favorite of mine because of the variety of their menu. They have everything from teas to smoothies to coffee based drinks to pastries to bagels to burgers and more!


Located in the trendy South Philly neighborhood of East Passyunk, Chhyaha is my go to for brunch and coffee. Creme brulee iced latte and the blue lady tea are favorites of mine and I highly recommend!

Elixr Coffee

It was given the title of best coffee shop in PA. Enough said.


Both a coffee house and realtor because why not? Their lavender lattes are to die for and they sell falafel tacos at their fairmount location!

Shot Tower Coffee

Located near the Italian Market in South Philly. Their location is a beautiful place to stop and have a drink with a friend on a weekend morning.

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