It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year | The Odyssey Online
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It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Now that Thanksgiving is over, it is time to bring out all things Christmas.

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Finally, after the jack-o-lanterns have been put away and families stuffed themselves with mass amounts of turkey and mashed potatoes, the yuletide joy can finally start streaming through our veins, and the choruses of well-known Christmas songs can get stuck in our heads on a loop.

I love Christmas and the holiday season and all it has to offer. However, I stay in full "Scrooge" status until all the fall festivities are a thing of the past. Some of my friends may look down upon me and tell me that Christmas is always in season.

Yes, the spirit of Christmas should always be applicable to our lives. But the consumerism of Christmas? I save that for one month a year.

I refuse to let the turkey die in vain.

BUT now that the feast of all feasts is over and the dishes have been cleaned, I can now do all the things that have been building up inside of me since last year.

I can...

Blast, and I mean BLAST, those catchy Christmas jingles.

"O Holy Night," "White Christmas," "It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" and countless others will grace my radio the entire month of December. If I am feeling excited and peppy, I will sing and dance along to "Jingle Bells" and "Here Comes Santa Claus". If I am feeling calmer and want to listen to the true meaning of Christmas, you bet that I will be listening to "Christmas Shoes" or "Mary Did You Know."

Dress in all the reindeer sweaters I desire.

I have spent the better half of my young adult life collecting an assortment of sweaters, and I eagerly await the arrival of Scandinavian-inspired clothing and the red and green elfish look.

Watch all of the Christmas movies.

"Elf" and "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" are among some of my personal favorites, but tell me that you are about to watch "Rudolph" or "The Little Drummer Boy," and I will quickly make the world's best hot chocolate and sit down with multiple candy canes in hand.

Shop for presents for my favorite people and share the love.

Ok, so maybe I go a little crazy with this, but I start making my Christmas list in early fall. . . You can never be too early to find your loved ones that special gift. There is nothing like watching someone's reaction to opening a thoughtful gift. Gift's do not have to be expensive, they just have to show someone that you care.

Bake until I can no longer stand the smell of cookie dough.

Every year, I look forward to the day that my family pulls out all the stops in order to create a makeshift bakery for a day. Being covered in sugar and stuffing my self with the uncooked dough is one of the highlights of my Christmas season. (Extra side notes: Cookie Sharing parties are the BEST kind of parties.)

Wave "Hello" to all of the Santas.

Am I too old to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what I want for Christmas? Yes. Will I still do it? Probably.

Eat all the chocolate in my advent calendar.

Nothing beats waking up to a small piece of chocolate on your bedside table all of September. ONLY (insert number of days here) MORE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!

Decorate my house with tasteful lights and Christmas wreaths.

This arduous task couldn't be more fulfilling, even though my dad and brother do most of it (shout out to you guys). Switching on those lights and watching my whole house light up with the spirit of Christmas is unforgettable, and pulling into my driveway after a busy day is one of the most peaceful feelings I feel all year.

Spend time decorating the Christmas tree with my family.

Even though we are getting older, my siblings and I still argue over who gets to put the angel on top of the Christmas Tree. Every year, I look forward to the day when my family puts aside all work and gathers together in our living room to decorate the tree while we sip hot chocolate, listen to the Nutcracker soundtrack, and smell the glorious mulling spices that are wafting through the house.

Eagerly await the happiness that will come with waking up on Christmas morning.

Birthdays, big dates and graduation days can not even compare to the wondrous feeling that is Christmas morning. It is the one day of the year where everything seems bright and innocent. It is the one day of the year when people put aside their differences and pay attention to the things that truly matter in life. (Plus, there are fantastic gifts that are waiting to be opened downstairs.)

Anyway, now that Thanksgiving is over and the dishes have been cleaned, it is time to bring out the tinsel and mistletoe. That magical time of year has arrived once again. Remember to spread the joy this Christmas season, and Peace on Earth.

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