I'm told that I'm a calm, mild-mannered person, and it's not surprising to hear that. I typically don't like loud environments unless I'm at a football game or going to the mall. I know. I honestly don't know why, but I find myself bored if I go to the mall with very few people in it.
I want to share two main reasons why I'm a chill guy and why every Christian should occasionally slow down and take stock of their lives.
There are two major reasons why I'm a pretty chill dude and typically don't have an energetic personality. First, I listen to instrumental music with nature sounds in the background, including just nature sounds on their own.
Instrumental music with nature sounds in the background provides the right setting for relaxing, sleeping, and doing something that requires focus. It is very difficult to focus on something if your mind isn't settled. I will oftentimes listen to music with birds chirping and the sound of rushing water when I'm doing homework, having my devotions, or reading a book.
With that being said, music has a way of shaping your soul and your self-expression. If the music tends to bring out harmony, calm, stillness, and so forth, and you consistently expose yourself to that kind of music, that music will affect the inner workings of your soul.
I'm also very chill because I'm very self-reflective. You cannot reasonably reflect over your life, beliefs, goals, and struggles if you're in an environment that is conducive to noisiness and fast-paced activities. If it's noisy, then it can be difficult to settle your mind and internally reflect. If it's continuously fast-paced, you might feel antsy and unable to sit still. The kind of music you listen to will also affect your ability to settle your mind.
There are two reasons why every Christian should occasionally slow down and take stock of their lives. First, how we were designed to function requires an occasional check and diagnosis on the soul, which can only be accomplished if we give adequate attention to what's going on inside ourselves.
We can't adequately examine certain emotions, beliefs, and attitudes we have about life, God, Scripture, and other things if we can't be in the right environment and state of mind to do those things. All of those things require being in an environment with no distractions and which isn't geared towards producing great amounts of energy.
You can only love God, others and yourself as the condition of your soul allows you to. In quiet environments, I would honestly recommend taking a walk in nature and/or listening to instrumental music with nature sounds as a way of putting your mind in the right frame to introspect and spend time in prayer.
Unless we find the time to engage in those things, we end up harming ourselves and others.
The second reason every Christian should occasionally slow down and take stock of their lives is that placing ourselves in the right environment and state of mind for introspection and prayer helps us hear and discern the voice of God. In my experience, I have sensed the Lord speak to me when my spirit was in a position to hear from Him.
I don't think it's an infringement on God being all-powerful to say that having a clouded mind and being surrounded by distractions make it difficult for God to get through to us. I know from experience that God communicated certain things to me once He knew I was ready to receive them.
In short, I'm a chill guy because I listen to instrumental music with nature sounds in the background and am very self-reflective. I believe every Christian should occasionally slow down in life because how we were designed to function requires an occasional check and diagnosis on the soul, which can only be accomplished if we give adequate attention to what's going on inside ourselves.
Moreover, placing ourselves in the right environment and state of mind for introspection and prayer can help us hear and discern the voice of God. Calm, soothing music with nature sounds in addition to taking a walk in nature are very helpful for deepening one's relationship with Christ.
LifestyleSep 24, 2018
I’m A Chill Person Who Thinks Others Christians Should Slow Down Occasionally, Too
Understanding the importance of silence and introspection in the Christian life.