Christianity And The Republican Vote
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Christianity And The Republican Vote

Why my Christian faith leads me to vote Republican.

Christianity And The Republican Vote
Crisis Magazine

The closer we get to the Presidential election, the more often I hear conversations involving the Presidential candidates and who is supporting who. It is not uncommon for people to ask me who I am supporting. Regardless of who the questioner is, my answer remains the same, “I will support whoever gives the Republicans the best chance of winning office,” or, to give an even better answer, “I will support whoever receives the Republican nomination.” You see, with our country’s current situation, we need now, more than ever, someone who will vote for the Christian faith. At the present time, those people are Republicans.

It is not obscure to come to the conclusion that Republicans are Pro-Life advocates. While policies and certain opinions on how to protect life may vary, Republicans have made it evidently clear that they will value life, whereas Democrats have continuously been Pro-Choice advocates and taken up for Planned Parenthood (an organization that has recently been caught discussing selling unborn baby parts). This alone is a huge factor in showing me that my Christian faith leads me to vote Republican. Psalm 139:13-15 says, "You did form my inward parts, you knit me together in my mother's womb...You knew me right well; my frame was not hidden from You when I was being made in secret..." The life of an unborn baby is precious and a gift from God. Therefore, I must vote for a leader who will protect the rights of unborn children.

Another conclusion that can easily be made about each political party is on where they stand in regards to homosexuality and gender-neutral restrooms. Republicans tend to vote “No,” on any gender neutral restroom bills, just as they voted “No,” on gay marriage bills. While Democrats are in full support of any kind of “right” for homosexuals.

Homosexuality is a sin, just like any other sin, and no, homosexuals do not deserve to be treated poorly, but that does not mean they should have the right to marry, nor does that mean that transgenders should have the right to enter any restroom they want to be based on whatever gender they are feeling like on a particular day. The new transgender bills have put thousands of individuals at risk every time they enter a public restroom, solely because the legislatures were afraid of offending a few people. Genesis 2:4-24 tells us of God’s creation over 6 days. During that time God created a perfect relationship between man and woman, which is how it is intended to be. Leviticus 18:22 says, “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.” That scripture alone shows me that I should not be in support of gay marriage and therefore am lead to vote for leaders who are opposed to it. In this case, those leaders are once again Republicans.

This article was not meant to say that Republicans are the "saviors" of the world, nor was it meant to say that Democrats are evil. At the end of the day, both political parties are doing their best to try and make the country better in the best way that they think is possible. My Christian beliefs just lead me to vote Republican because I still want to believe that we are One Nation Under God.

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