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20 Cheap, Fun Things To Do When You Get Bored

Some say "the sky is the limit", others say "I don't have enough money"

20 Cheap, Fun Things To Do When You Get Bored

We all get bored from time to time and want to do anything that gives us a thrill. For those who do not want to spend much money and those who cannot, this list ranges from $0 to roughly $200 or however much you are willing to spend. End your boredom, have some fun!



It's like a scavenger hunt except you take what's in the box and you leave something for someone else. I have been geocaching a couple times and have yet to strike gold but otherwise it is a fun activity!



Bonfires are perfect for cool weather and catching up with your friends. Not to mention roasting marshmallows for s'mores.

Try a new recipe


You could make something that you've never eaten before or put a twist on one of your favorite recipes! Or you could even try to make a dish from Top Chef that looked appealing. Whatever the case, you'll have fun and be full.

Go downtown


Do something downtown that you haven't done before. Act like a tourist and see what new things you can find. You can take cool pictures, watch people perform, try new food or activities, discover new attractions, and maybe even take a segway tour.

Go to the Farmer's Market


My parents would take me to the Farmer's Market "just to look" because that's what they did as kids. Usually we wouldn't find anything but sometimes we would. But if you don't go for the goods, you should definitely people watch, you never know what you might see.

Thrift Shopping


Thrift shops bare many treasures, and many weird objects. All at a low price!

Garage Sales


Another cheap way to get cool things.



Like tanning and having a picnic, it's just another activity by the water! You can hang out with your friends and relax.



Grab some friends and rock out on some camp grounds! Or the backyard.



Looking for constellations in the night sky is a great way to spend your time.

Rock Climbing


You can climb anything from a rock wall to a mountain.



Whatever you want to walk, hike it. You can get some pretty cool views and explore the area, you never know what you'll see!



Skydiving is a thrill and it is relatively cheap. This will definitely keep your adrenaline up.

Clean your room or closet


Deep clean your bedroom to make space for more stuff and maybe find something you were looking for a long time ago.

Go Bowling


When was the last time you went bowling? Go bowling to see how good you are now.

Road Trip


Carpool karaoke on a Sunday drive sounds perfect.

Create a workout schedule


Make yourself a workout schedule and get to exercising!



There are many forms of meditating. You can cleanse your mind by listening to music or podcasts or doing something you enjoy.

Make your online wish list.


Put everything you want in your cart, just for fun- or to see who will gift one of those items to you.

Plan Your Dream Vacation


Decide where you want to go the most and plan everything you want to see, plan out your vacation and how you will save for it.

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