It all started on February 17, 2016. The Millenium made a Facebook status that said "If you want to hear a secret, message us your mailing address." Their fans started to question why an actual mailing address? What could they possibly be sending out?
On February 21, 2016, The Millenium changed their Facebook photo to the three of them standing in the middle of a road holding up a sign that said "3/31/2016" again, raising questions.
All throughout February fans started receiving CD's in their mail with "Interstates" written on them. Each CD had a number on it too, 1, 2, or 3. The CD's fans received did not play a full length song. A creepy sounding voice told them at the end that they had to tweet the hashtag InterstatesChase in order to find other fans with the two missing pieces they didn't have. The message told the fans it was up to them to find the other parts, only 100 fans received these CD's in the mail. The fans who did not receive anything in the mail went through the hashtag in order to figure out the big secret.
On March 7, 2016, The Millenium finally answered everyone's questions. Fans couldn't tell if it was just a single coming out or an album. The Millenium announced on Facebook "As some of you may have figured out, we are very excited to announce the upcoming release of our brand new song "Interstates" out 3/31/16." It was exciting to see that announcement, they are a talented group of guys.
On March 9, 2016, The Millenium announced a small "Interstates" release tour, which they are currently on until April 8, 2016. A full 7 day tour for this one song which, is pretty good if I must say so myself.
On March 24, 2016, The Millenium started counting down the days until their song was released. They took over the timeline's of all my social media from spreading the word about this big release. The fans couldn't wait until they could finally hear the entire song.
March 30, 2016. The day everyone in The Millenium's fanbase was waiting for, finally approached. The song was coming out at midnight and everyone was prepared to stay awake to listen to it for the very first time. I for one was very excited and tried my best not to fall asleep after my long day with three classes, and work. Kyle Featherstone actually sent me the "secret" youtube link to the song an hour before the release, and I was blown away. I was mesmerized by the video they had for Interstates immediately. Fun fact: Kyle threw the video together in one day. He wanted something unique, and it is definitely one of a kind.
I highly suggest checking out the song down below. The Millenium is a talented band, and you should definitely support them! Give it a listen and buy it on iTunes!