The 7 Traits That Define An Alpha Female
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The 7 Traits That Define An Alpha Female

Throw her to the wolves and she'll return with the pack.

The 7 Traits That Define An Alpha Female
Zastavki / Wallpaper

Women are weak.

Women are fragile.

Women are submissive.

Women are second.

Women are stereotyped.

We are frustratingly put second because that is just how it has always been. With this notion, the alpha woman stands out. She is unconventional and to many men, this scares them away. Her confidence oozes her alpha demeanor and instills levels of immense intimidation in the mindsets of many. With this unconventional mindset, alpha women are misunderstood in not only relationships but in daily life. By getting to know an alpha female's characteristics you will better be able to understand why dating an alpha-female may be the way to go.

Here are the characteristics of an alpha female:

1. She won't give up easily.

She is resilient. When an alpha female has a goal, it becomes a major focus that encompasses her mind. She sees herself as an investment. In this regard, she will tirelessly work to upkeep her social, physical, and emotional state of mind. She won't play victim to life and become thrashed by harsh-comings, but rather will take them head on.

2. She isn't afraid to make the first move.

This is where a lot of alpha and beta females may differ. Making the first move toward a guy at a bar is her specialty. Why should a boy be the one to always make the first move? So thankfully for you boys, alpha females can take that burden off you. This bold approach exemplifies her spontaneous, self-assured, confident, and outgoing nature. She knows what she wants and goes for it without hesitation.

3. She is extremely loyal.

She is loyal and respectful to the ones she loves. Once she has someone or something int heir life, they work hard to keep it around. She says what she wants and wants what she says. Letting people or things slip through her fingers is not a common occurrence. With an alpha female knowing what she wants, she won't jeopardize relationships or friendships over petty things. Not feeling the need to use dishonest tactics, she lives her life with integrity.

4. She lives with purpose.

She has direction in her life. While she knows how to relax and be adventurous, she does not just wander as a lost puppy in her life. Working toward goals of physical fitness, doing well in school, or attaining a good career are examples of purpose she works toward. She stays aware of her goals and keeps them in the center of her thoughts. Dating an alpha female, you can be ensured she will get what she will get things done and will work hard to ensure happiness in the relationship.

5. She isn't afraid to be or do things by herself.

The alpha female isn't afraid of independence, and in fact, often times will welcome it. Strong leadership skills are almost always a common trait. This often times can lead to a sense of intimidation from others as they feel threatened by her self-confidence. While company is a positive, it is not always necessary. In relationships, this has potential to be either a positive or negative. Allowing an alpha female to have her own times and space, or at least feel as if she is in control sometimes, is essential to the relationships well-being.

6. She knows how to love.

Strong-hearted and strong-willed describe her well. She won't experience damsel in distress moments and need to be saved by a boy, so you don't need to worry about her not being able to hold her own. When she loves, she loves hard in every way, shape, and form. She will challenge you to be the best you can be and provide support along the way, to any absurd idea you may have. She'll strive to make your duo the best team around. She doesn't live a mediocre life and won't let your relationship be that way either. She isn't afraid of her sexuality, either. If you have captured her heart, you can imagine she will love you well.

7. She is ambitious.

She dares to go there. As Kendrick would say, she has "hustle though, ambition, flow, inside her DNA." She believes she is responsible for her own life and if she has somewhere she wants or needs to be, she is the only means of which she will get there. Her personality thrives off taking responsibility for herself and for others. She lives void of the idea of restricting limitations.

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