As the semester winds down, it's nice to finally be able to take a break and take some time to reflect on everything. Another year has gone by and believe it or not, it's summer again. It's crazy how time flies, but it's even scarier how things can change so much in a year, month, or even just a matter of weeks. Speaking for myself, this year has definitely been a roller coaster ride and there was rarely a stagnant moment. I have a love-hate relationship with change; I like trying new things to keep life interesting, but I also dislike leaving what's comfortable.
Sometimes change is thrown at you and it's usually hard to take in. You might be going through life smoothly and comfortably one day and something can happen the next that could change your life entirely. Whether it's moving away to college and being separated from your high school friends, going through a break-up, changing friend groups, or just entering a new season of life, change can be very difficult to deal with. It often leads people to feel lost or empty because what they were so used to and so familiar with is no longer there and you feel that life isn't really in your control anymore. However, change can also be good because it makes you view life in a different perspective, forces you to adapt, and helps you grow and learn more about yourself. Change is definitely not easy, but know that it will be good for you and that there is a sea of possibilities out there.
It can be frightening to get out of your comfort zone, immerse yourself in a brand new environment, or to just face life with uncertainty. But only when you take that initial leap of faith will you get a chance to see for yourself what all is out there and that doing things differently isn't so bad. Of course, everyone likes to be comfortable and it's hard to deal with change when your life seemed to be going smoothly before. However, as cliche as it sounds, when one door closes, another opens. When you let go of the past and accept change, you will truly get to experience all that life offers and you won't be hindered by the past. Life is all about learning how to adapt, leaving the past behind, and moving on to better things.
Life can be full of opportunities and sometimes you just have to accept change in order to see all the new paths. It's okay to reminisce about the past, but don't let it tie you down and prevent you from carrying on with your life and living in the present. Change can be terrifying but change is also inevitable. Each day will not be the same as the day before and people will go through so many different seasons in life. By accepting change, you get to see the world with a new perspective and discover things you never thought about before.