To be clear, when I say that Chanel Oberlin is shady, I mean it in the least shady way possible. Chanel says and does exactly what she wants to and she probably didn't even notice that it offended you. Emma Roberts plays the perfectly over exaggerated sorority girl in the FOX tv show, Scream Queens. The show is a comedic horror show and just premiered the first episode of season 2 last week. In celebration of this much anticipated event I have compiled a list of some of Chanel's best moments.
When she perfectly described how we all feel about our responsibilities.
When she had the most appropriate words for most situations.
When she was all of us listening to our friends talk about how poor they are before asking us to spot them at dinner.
When she knew exactly what to do after hearing that her best friend's boyfriend did her wrong.
When she understood exactly how it feels when your teacher schedules class not he day before a holiday.
When she was totally us as the kitchen staff at the house pulled cookies out of the oven.
When she stalked down the hall in her fur just as we know we would if we ever had any reason to.
When she knows exactly how we feel every time the credits roll at the end of an episode of Scream Queens.
When she actually stole a line straight from my book of daily me-ism's.
And finally, when she was literally every girl ever any time one of our friends tries to be her wingman at the bar.
I don't know about y'all, but in a comedic sense, Emma Robert's Chanel is my inspiration. Her outlandish style, quick wit and love of drama is something we can all, at the very least, be amazed by. Cheers to you, Chanel, and I can't wait for another great season!