5 Celebrities Who Won Halloween 2017 | The Odyssey Online
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5 Celebrities Who Won Halloween 2017

These A-Listers brought their A-Game on Halloween!

5 Celebrities Who Won Halloween 2017
Justin Timberlake - Instagram

Next to putting together my own costume, every year I look forward to poking around the web to see the costumes that my favorite celebrities cooked up for Halloween! It was a tough call, but I narrowed it down to the top five costumes that impressed me this year!

1. Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake

Move over Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka—the Biel-Timberlake family win this year for best family costumes! Jessica and Justin, along with their 2-year-old son Silas, went to infinity and beyond with their ADORABLE and spot-on "Toy Story" getups as Jessie, Buzz Lightyear, and Woody! They even paid close attention to detail—and NAILED IT with a pull-string for young Woody!

2. Kristen Bell

Since one of Kristen Bell’s well-known roles is Anna from “Frozen,” it was AMAZING to see her step into her “sister” Elsa’s shoes—literally! As per her daughter’s request, Kristen donned Elsa’s gorgeous gown—and her signature tiara! (She did not specify which of her two daughters demanded the Elsa costume.) Now if only Idina Menzel got in on the fun and joined Kristen dressed as Anna—that would be a Disney dream come true!

3. Josh Gad

It’s easy to dress up as a well-known character for Halloween, so Josh Gad decided to kick his Harry Potter costume up a notch—as if he was at Harry’s 20th reunion at Hogwarts! I can only imagine that Josh gots a lot of laughs from friends and family, and envy from those who wished that they had thought of that hilarious costume!

4. Alicia Silverstone

When I saw this photo while scrolling through Instagram, thoughts of excitement popped in my head: CHER IS BACK Y’ALL! Alicia Silverstone rolled in on her homie Chrissy Teigen while dressed as Cher, the lovable character she played in 1995’s “Clueless,” which gave me all the nostalgic feels! But how amazing would it have been if Chrissy coordinated costumes by dressing up as Amber, Cher’s “frenemy” from the movie?! There’s always next year ladies!

5. Ariana Grande

My classic film nerd self was hella stoked when I saw this series of Instagram photos (and a video!) of Ariana Grande as Bette Davis—but my excitement didn’t stop there! Ariana’s bestie Doug Middlebrook (pictured below) joined in on the fun dressed as Joan Crawford, completing a duo Halloween costume inspired by Ryan Murphy’s recent TV miniseries “Feud: Bette and Joan”. But what I loved more was that Ariana put in the extra effort to channel this Old Hollywood queen by lip-syncing to a snippet of Bette’s dialogue from the film “All About Eve.” In my eyes, her costume choice was yet another reason that Ari (just like Bette) is a Queen!

What do YOU think? Are there any celebrities whose costumes topped the five I mentioned here? Tweet me your thoughts at @missjulia1207!
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