Celebrities Continue Using Film To Raise Mental Health Awareness
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Celebrities Continue Using Film To Raise Mental Health Awareness

However, even good intentions can give rise to criticism.

Celebrities Continue Using Film To Raise Mental Health Awareness

Eating disorders tend to be publicly common in the entertainment industry, but actresses Lily Collins and Troian Bellisario find themselves at the center of a contentious discussion concerning the outcomes of their most recent films.

Earlier this year, actress Lily Collins starred in the new Netflix film "To the Bone" which is a story about a young girl's fight with anorexia and its consequences. Collins lost weight for the film, which prompted concern for her well-being because of her openly shared experiences with eating disorders. She made claims that she was observed by a professional throughout the process and that by losing weight, she would be able to look the part that was necessary to tell the story. Even then, the film received mixed reviews; a large number of people believe the film glamorizes anorexia and that it may trigger those already fighting the disorder. Others are content that it has opened up a dialogue about mental and physical health. Despite the critics, Collins told Collider, "It would be wonderful if To the Bone could continue the conversations about this subject matter and continue to be in the middle of what should be a very prevalent conversation."

Another celebrity who has been forthright about her eating disorder is actress Troian Bellisario, most known for her role in Pretty Little Liars. She recently wrote about the details of her struggle in an essay for Lenny Letter, as well as for her new movie "Feed" which she also produced. Here is where Bellisario brings to life some of the obstacles she faced with her disorder, in hopes of inspiring others to "close that chapter in their lives."

With the utilization of social platforms, many more celebrities are becoming increasingly candid about their firsthand battle with anorexia and other eating disorders. Many have recognized that suffering from such an ailment is a matter that tends to have an unfortunate stigma shadowing its ramifications, thus, highlighting the need for further discussion.

Needless to say, the actions of celebrities are deemed as commendable by many because, along with those of medical professionals and psychologists, they are done in hopes of reducing stigma and in strengthening others to make a change. Favorably, with the aid of professionals and the entertainment industry, people are becoming more receptive and willing to shift their perspectives about seemingly taboo topics. It can be argued that the efforts of film to shine a light on eating disorders have assisted in bringing greater awareness to the importance of overall well-being.

Nevertheless, it is essential to consider the repercussions films can bring, especially those with graphic content that wish to showcase the actuality of living with a disorder. As with any sensitive matter, the explicit images seen in films run the risk of influencing viewers; on Twitter, individuals have posted about their idolatry towards the anorexic body of the character Collins played. This is one of the many reasons why mental health advocates stress using censorships. Not only this, but many also insist that films show a more diverse representation of those who suffer from eating disorders in order to better represent reality. Some presume that because there is a failure to identify with the characters on-screen, sufferers of eating disorders may fail to recognize the severity of their own illness and dismiss the idea of seeking help.

Although what it is acceptable or necessary to publicize is still up for debate, the fact remains that individuals are speaking up about the impact "To the Bone" and "Feed" have had on mental health awareness. Eating disorders are prevalent and highly injurious to one's health, and both Collins and Bellisario have attested to that with their films. That being said, their films and the discussions growing in society regarding the detriments of eating disorders have significantly sparked conversations about social stigmas. With enhanced awareness, many celebrities and mental health advocates are directing their efforts into relieving the plight of those who are suffering, and continue to fight the stigmas associated with eating disorders.

Seek professional help if you or someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder. The National Eating Disorders Association Helpline (NEDA) can be reached at (800) 931-2237. For a crisis, text "NEDA" to 741741.

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