10 Ways You Can Improve Your Self-Care Without Spending A Fortune On Candles
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10 Ways You Can Improve Your Self-Care Without Spending A Fortune On Candles

No long meditations necessary.

10 Ways You Can Improve Your Self-Care Without Spending A Fortune On Candles
Samantha Gades

Many people tend to believe that during certain difficult times, the pop of a pill or an hour long talking session is what will “cure” them, and then they will feel better. While these can be beneficial strategies, it is also crucial to practice self-help along with the other methods.

Self-help does not have to be a huge ordeal where you download an app to help you meditate (I’ve tried these apps many times and have not been able to grasp it). It does not have to be a bubble bath with sweet-smelling candles. Self-help strategies can be really simple and short.

Some of my go to self-help methods include…

1. Finding new music

I love doing this before I go to sleep at night. Finding new music is the perfect way to alleviate the mind in an easy way. I have one playlist that I continue to add songs to that are chill and uplifting. Then, when I walk to class or listen while I do homework, I always have songs that keep me in a happy mood. I have been doing this ever since my freshman year of high school, and trust me when I say the switch from Spotify to Apple Music was not an easy one (haha).

2. Working out

This is my absolute go-to, and my friends who really know me would say the same. Working out releases endorphins that actually make you feel insanely happier. I will admit, getting the motivation to get out of a warm cozy bed is no walk in the park, but once you walk into the gym, it’s all worth it.

The other people around you will keep you motivated and listen to amazing jams will do the job as well. Not once have I finished a workout feeling worse than before I started. A good sweat never hurt anybody!

3. Deep breathing

This method may totally sound like a stereotypical way to better your mental health. Many of the cliché tactics have not helped me, but deep breathing actually does wonders. This does not have to be in a silent room where you are alone and closing your eyes.

You can deep breathe at any time and anywhere, even with hundreds of people around you. Just the simple process of taking a deep breath and allowing the negative energy to literally leave your body does wonders. The breath allows you to return back to a mental state of calmness and positivity.

4. Watching “Friends”

I could say binge watch any Netflix show in order to boost your mood, but “Friends” is so different than any other show offered on the website. There is no negative plotline in any of the episodes. Okay let’s be real when Ross and Rachel are “on a break”, that does pull at the heartstrings. But overall, “Friends” is always a feel good and makes me laugh even if I am watching by myself.

5. Coloring

Everyone says adult coloring books calm the soul, and I would have to agree. Coloring allows you to focus on one aspect of an image and be creative in your own unique way. I usually only need about 15-20 minutes for this method to help me feel better.Especially if you choose to use cool colors (green, blue, purple, etc.), these are proven to make the brain feel calm and not as stimulated. Yes, these colors can also resemble sadness and indifference, but overall if you think about a blue ocean, you will most likely feel at peace.

6. Writing out everything you have to do

To-do lists are always a win. This way, once you complete something you can just check it off your list. The actual act of taking a big marker and crossing a task off of a to-do list allows you to feel accomplished and have a sense of relief. I do this for all of my homework for the week, as well as little things that I have to do that I would most likely forget if they were not written down. Writing out what I have to do just betters my overall mental health and makes me feel like an organized person (because sometimes I’m just not).

7. Going to the library

People may think that going to an environment where everyone around you is studying would cause more anxiety. In my opinion, this is somewhat like my working out example. The people around you who are doing work should motivate you to get your own work done. Sitting in the silent section of the library is my favorite place to go when I have hours of homework because it is the only place that is 100% quiet at any hour of the day. After I leave the library, I feel like I accomplished so much and just feel better holistically.

8. Spending time with and/or calling friends

This is my favorite way to put me in a better mood. Most of my friends are so positive and they make me forget about whatever issue is going on. Other times, my friends are there to help me through the problem, and they always give the best advice. I always feel better after having a good talk with a close friend because they are easy to relate to, and talking only makes a friendship that much stronger.

9. Recognizing said issue

This is by far the hardest self-help method to achieve on the list. For most people, it is really hard to actually recognize what is making you so uncomfortable and/or upset. You have to be aware of factors that are going on that could possibly lead to negative emotions. I think that once you can figure out what is the root cause of anxious or sad feelings, then it is easier to be proactive and fix the issue.

10. Being proactive about fixing said issue

This last point basically sums up everything else on the list! Self-help is a skill that can always be improved upon, and that will only happen through practice. I have practiced all of these methods for a couple years and, for the most part, the improvement has been amazing.

Self-help is a hard concept to come by, but once you do, you will feel every bit better.

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