Disappointed In Captain Marvel | The Odyssey Online
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'Captain Marvel' How Underwhelming.

I kept asking myself when was it going to get good.

'Captain Marvel' How Underwhelming.

I sat in my seat and waited for the show to begin. It wasn't my idea to go, my intentions were to skip this MCU installment and just look online for any contributing content to 'Endgame'. I went because my Fiance wanted to check it out. I had no hopes of being overjoyed.

The movie started out on Kree and instantly I was expecting to see some of the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' characters. That would have at least made it a little more interesting. But sadly, I was denied the excitement of familiar characters because this film takes place in the 1990s.

Moments of the film go by and I keep waiting for something interesting to happen, like waiting for someone to get to the good part of an annoyingly long story that just keeps droning on. We meet Vers as she's called on Kree. She's an over-emotional 'I can do it better than you' kind of girl.

Her attitude and lack of humor really turned me off. But of course, her emotions are her weakness as a character. Sound familiar? It's like a ripoff of the Aniken Skywalker tragedy. "Learn to harness your emotions," or something like that said by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

She can't remember her past and has flashes of old memories of her life on Earth. She was born on Earth but the Kree found her useful and gave her a new name and a new purpose. A weapon of sorts for them to use in the Kree army.

I'm not going to run through the whole movie because that would just be spoiling it for those of you that actually want to see it. Honestly, save your money and rent at Redbox. It's not worth the $18 that was spent on my ticket.

Movie moments pass further and my increasing boredom becomes more relevant. Finally a familiar face shows and its Fury! Finally! Something interesting. Someone else is there too but I won't spoil it.

Fury meets 'Vers' aka Captain Marvel. They get chummy with each other and pursue a mission that Captain Marvel deems necessary. They get to a hidden base in space and we meet Goose. The cat was my only true interest in seeing this movie. Sad, right? Of course, I'm like the only one in the theater that yells out "Kitty" when I see Goose.

Anyway, back to the film. For me, Captain Marvel is nothing more than the female version of Iron Man, just stronger, but she has to be, right? She's a woman and women have taken over the "strong" title in hero movies.

So a mashup of Iron Man's character and some Star Wars like back story thrown into the mix and out comes Captain Marvel. Taa Daa! It took until the last quarter of the movie for the action to even get remotely interesting. It was dry and left me feeling almost like I saw a documentary; bored and wishing I had stayed home to get some school work done.

The best parts:

-The kitty, Goose!

-Seeing Stan Lee as a cameo.

-The mid-credit scene.

-Learning what happened to Fury's eye.

Just an FYI there are two credits scenes. The first is more relevant but the second is pretty cool too.

Seriously, before you spend 2+ hours of your life being stuck in the theater watching this flick just take my advice and wait until it comes out on Redbox or VUDU to rent. It's really not worth it.

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