A Call For Compassion
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A Call For Compassion

The attacks in Paris and Syrian refugees.

A Call For Compassion
USA Today

November 13, 2015, is now a day that we will all remember. This date will go down in history along with September 11, 2001, and April 15, 2013. These tragic dates will maintain memories of grief and mass causalities. Terrorism has now taken its toll on the world for more than a decade. Groups of extremists have planted fear throughout many countries. They attack because they believe what they are doing is right. The members of these groups believe in something so strong that they are willing to kill others and even themselves as well.

The past decade, the world has lived in constant fear. This fear causes people to push the blame onto others, using them as scapegoats. Currently, the people of the Middle East are suffering not only in their home country, but also in the places that they flee to. The countries of the Middle East are filled with corruption and oppression. In Syria the people rebelled, leading to a civil war that not only divided the nations but the surrounding groups as well. Half supported the government and half supported the rebels. The people of that country fled to safer places. The United States welcomed them, but after the Paris attacks, some states have closed their doors to the Syrian refugees.

The real problem is ISIS. Many people hear ISIS and think, "Terrorist." That is correct, but many people don’t seem to understand why ISIS does what it does. ISIS was originally part of al-Qaeda but was cut ties with because its tactics were too extreme. ISIS united with the oppressed Sunni Muslims to take out the Shia government. The end goal of ISIS is to unite all Muslims under one religious government, ruled by the caliph. A caliph is believed to be the successor of the prophet Muhammad. This form of government, called a caliphate, revolves around a very medieval form of the Muslim religion. The rules and laws of this form of government are very strict, and anybody who goes against them is killed. This only leads to more oppression, when the original goal of the people was to gain freedom.

People are always so quick to blame other people for the tragedies that happen. It turns into a segregation of races. The many take the blame for the few that are causing the problems. Each day anybody that looks like they have Middle Eastern descent is labeled as Muslim and is discriminated against. People fear what they do not know. The uninformed can look at anybody they view as different and feel afraid. What the people of the United States lack is compassion. We have the ability to react both offensively and defensively, but we lack the ability to view people as simply what they are.

As a superpower of the world, it is the United States' duty to protect not only its own citizens but anybody else in need. The Syrian refugees were trying to escape their own country so they can have an opportunity to live a better life. These refugees have nothing to do with the attacks in Paris. These people are just families looking for a new start. People should remember that the few does not equal the many.

The attacks in Paris are devastating; so many innocent people have lost their lives. Some families will never see their loved ones again. ISIS attacked Paris, for reasons that are still unclear. We should not let this tragedy go unatoned for, but violence will only lead to more violence. ISIS does need to be dealt with, but in a way that will not risk more innocent lives being taken. ISIS truly believes that what they are doing is good, and that the rest of the world is living in sin. But the world is not as simple as good and evil. It is time for people of the world open their eyes and stop seeing things in black and white.

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