4. "What About Us" - P!nk | The Odyssey Online
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17 Breakup Songs That Will Help Your Broken Heart When The Ice Cream Just Isn't Cutting It

Why gain calories when you can just upgrade your playlist?

17 Breakup Songs That Will Help Your Broken Heart When The Ice Cream Just Isn't Cutting It

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Relationships are difficult. They are difficult to begin, maintain, and (unfortunately) end. There is no easy way to handle a breakup, but there are ways to soften the blow. For one, there is ice cream, chocolate, and all things that will cause regret next time you step on a scale. There are also friends to confide in, a habit I highly recommend getting into. But when nothing else seems right, there is also music. You don't need to have the right words to say. Taylor Swift has already sung them for you! Here are some of my favorite songs for those days when you just need a sappy, petty, angry playlist:

1. "Thursday" - Jess Glynne

I recently discovered this song, and absolutely fell in love with its message of self-confidence and inner beauty! "No makeup on Thursday?" Say no more. I'm in.

2. "Better In Time" - Leona Lewis

Until you've had a group of friends serenade you with this song while waving their phone flashlights, then you haven't experienced a true post-breakup girls' night. Also, Leona Lewis could sing the phone book and it would be phenomenal.

3. "Turning Tables" - Adele

What is a breakup playlist without one of the queens of moving on? I know "Someone Like You" gets all the credit, but this song remains one of my favorites!

4. "What About Us" - P!nk

Not all breakup songs have to sound like the background music of a soap opera! Maybe the term "bop" is a bit much for a post like this, but this song is one.

5. "All Too Well" - Taylor Swift

This playlist would actually be incomplete without Taylor Swift, and the lyrics to this song are so beautiful they make you believe your relationship was one straight out of a Nicholas Sparks novel.

6. "Somebody That I Used To Know" - Gotye

An uncommon choice for the typical breakup playlist, but I still think it deserves a spot on this list, even if the singer does enjoy abstract art a bit too much.

7. "Apologize" - OneRepublic

This song never fails to take me back to my angsty middle school days when I thought holding hands meant we were going to get married.

8. "Before He Cheats" - Carrie Underwood

If you've never scream-sang this song at a sleepover then you are lying. Carrie Underwood has had every girl wishing she could beat up her ex's car since 2005.

9. "Since U Been Gone" - Kelly Clarkson

Another song that is only acceptable when screamed. To this day, I feel the need to blast this song in my car when it comes on the radio. It's an unspoken rule, right?

10. "Too Good At Goodbyes" - Sam Smith

This man's voice though... If this song doesn't put you in your feels, then I don't know what will.

11. "The Scientist" - Coldplay

There's no surprise why this song is on the list, but can we talk about that title? It was based on a short story about a scientist who devoted so much of his life to his work that he did not make time to find the one he was meant to be with. Woah.

12. "This Love" - Maroon 5

This song has been one of my favorites since before Adam Levine showed up at the Super Bowl with "California" tattooed across his stomach.

13. "Bye Bye Bye" - *NSYNC

Everyone loves a good boy band. Everyone loves a fun dance. Everyone loves a poorly made music video from 2000. Sounds like a perfect reason for this bop to make the list.

14. "Love Song" - Sara Bareilles

Another adorably bad music video, this song has been on my playlist since I first heard it in elementary school.

15. "Teardrops On My Guitar" - Taylor Swift

Naturally, Taylor Swift would make this list twice. To this day, I have no idea who Drew is, but every girl in America cannot stand him!

16. "Don't Hold Your Breath" - Nicole Scherzinger

I actually couldn't believe none of my friends knew what this song was when I played it for them. Yes, it is auto-tuned. Yes, it is repetitive. Yes, it is petty. Yes, I have it on repeat.

17. "My Heart Will Go On" - Celine Dion

Everyone has a little dramatic side to them, especially when it comes to breaking up. Why take it out over vague Snap stories when you can just belt this song out?

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