Take a Stand and Break Gender Stereotypes
Gender roles are implicit within our society for better or for worse. Here are facets of our human experience that contribute to the way in which we are differentiated in society.
Strength. Many of us have often heard sayings like, "Women shouldn't lift", "It's so manly and unattractive when a woman has huge muscles", and "Women aren't supposed to be strong." When you go to the gym, do the exercises you WANT to do instead of following the stereotype of women only running and doing abs when they go to the gym. Emotion. Emotion is something that is NATURALLY embedded to our brains. It is normal for both women and men to have emotion. Instead of calling a guy a degrading name for showing emotion, or making fun of a woman for being upset, take a stand and see what you can do to make that individual feel better.
Style. Style is not restricted to just men or women. People often frown upon a man wearing makeup or dressing "femininely." Everyone has a way of distinguishing and expressing themselves differently than the other people in the world. Hair length should not be defined by gender. Women who have short hair are often considered a lesbian. In January of 2014, I shaved my head and donated my hair. I decided to make a small change in this world in an effort to change gender stereotypes. If everyone was the same, the world would be very boring.
Athleticism. Women are often looked at as much weaker than men. The rules for women's sports and mens sports are completely different. Take a stand and speak up when either gender is restricted from playing a sport. At my high school, women were given an equal opportunity to play hockey on the mens team. This is one little change that can be made to create a less defined line between stereotypes.
Purpose. Women are often considered the ones who are supposed to take care of a new born baby, make dinner and to do the laundry. Men are looked down upon if they fulfill this job. A woman and man are not confined to one purpose. A man's only purpose in life is not to be the breadwinner. These jobs are interchangeable regardless of sex.
Role. Women and men are often confined to specific roles. All of us have heard that women belong in the kitchen (as stated above), men do the handy work, women aren't allowed to be in high power positions (like president) or jobs of high intensity. Vote for a woman in the next presidential election or acquire a high power position in a company. Break the stereotypes and stop those who use degrading phrases like these.
Often, people are very stereotypical and define people by their characteristics and choices. Society creates a set of expectations for the way women and men, girls and boys, should dress, behave, and look. Take a stance and do something to make a change. If you are willing to stand up and make a change, how do you expect others to?