Frozen 2 is on its Way | The Odyssey Online
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Brace Yourselves, Frozen 2 is Coming

Should we just "Let it Go"?

Brace Yourselves, Frozen 2 is Coming

Mark your calendars, billion-dollar-grossing box office hit of 2013 is getting a sequel in November of 2019.

Yes, "Frozen" is getting a sequel this year...because apparently a Broadway musical just wasn't enough.

For approaching six years now, "Frozen" has remained the object of fascination for

Don't get me wrong, it's probably not the worst Disney movie out there. It has great messages that can apply to just about any situation life can throw at you.

Somebody said something mean to you? Let it go.

Found yourself in a toxic relationship? Let it go.

Caught in a bout of unnecessary drama? Let it go.

You get the gist.

No matter how applicable the iconic tune from the film can be in everyday life, it will never fail to annoy me when I hear the song play over the radio or, worse, play on the television at full volume when I am just trying to get some sleep.

Perhaps I should preface my complaints with the fact that I first suffered through watched this film on an early-morning bus ride to New Yrok City with my high school orchestra. As a senior, I thought I was cooler than anybody else on that bus and there was no way I was going to let some Disney movie ruin my sleep...especially if I was stuck on said bus for another seven hours.

In my defense, it could have been anything blaring in full sing-a-long mode at 6 AM and I would have been irritated.

Nevertheless, children around the world have fallen in love with Ana, Elsa, and, of course, Olaf, so it should come as no surprise that the hit film has announced a sequel in 2019.

Part of me wants to ask why this is necessary (doesn't Disney have enough Frozen merchandise to last, well, forever), but part of me has to take a step back and remember my own childhood.

Of course I don't like "Frozen" as a twenty year-old college kid. It wasn't made for me. What I did love, however, were the Disney movies and television shows that came out when I was a little girl.

Watching Princess Jasmine rock her belly-baring outfit and still manage to kick major ass in "Aladdin"? Loved it. "A Bug's Life"? Loved it. Interrupt my 300th viewing of "The Emperor's New Groove"? Don't throw off my groove! "Holes"? Still one of the best live-action Disney movies of all time, and that's coming from the English nerd that will still tell you that the book is always better.

"The Little Mermaid"? A little more of a classic, but I could not get enough of Ariel and I'm still 95% certain I will have "Kiss The Girl" played at my wedding.

So who am I to tell anybody that "Frozen" or "Frozen 2" are the worst movies ever? Why would I want to destroy some little kid's dreams of being who they are, no matter what that means, because they know that somebody out there will always love them. Who am I to tell a kid that they shouldn't watch one of their favorite movies, something that is targeted at a generation that is growing up in a much different world than I did, that they should change their tastes in movies?

I can't justify complaints just because I don't want to see the commercials and have the songs stuck in my head for weeks on end. It would be wrong to continue to say that it's the worst thing ever made and should be removed from pop culture forever because it might mean the world to a whole generation of kids.

So, for now, I will just "Let it Go", and change the channel when the trailers start to run.

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