The Boyfriends Of The 2000s
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The Boyfriends Of The 2000s

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The Boyfriends Of The 2000s
J14 magazine

Every girl remembers her first crush. Even if your first crush was the boy in your kindergarten class that ate crayons, your first true love will always be the one that holds the key to your heart. Growing up in the 2000s, everyone knew who your dream guy was. Your family probably still give you grief and your best friends probably still reminisce, so it is impossible to forget your first celebrity crush. You bought a Tiger Beat magazine every chance you could just to read up about what your favorite celebrity was doing. Your room was fully decorated with posters of them, and it wasn't unusual to have fights with your best friends over who was going to marry him. If you were a 90's baby, lucky you because the 2000s were full of boys that were easy to love. I hope you enjoy a walk down memory lane and quickly realize that Bieber was definitely not the first guy with that hair cut. Here are 15 90's baby's first boyfriends.

1. Jesse McCartney

He had me as soon as I heard him say that he didn't want another pretty face. I'm gonna be honest, every trip to the beach involves me listening to my old Jesse McCartney album and singing at the top of my lungs to every word. He had to be number one on my list because he will always be number one in my eight-year-old heart.

2. Zac Efron

I remember the first time I saw Zac Efron during the premiere of High School Music as he walked into the heart of every girl in America. Over the years, he has given us plenty of movies to love, from Neighbors to 17 Again, but lets face it, HSM will always be number one.

3. Kenan and Kel

This show had my heart for so many years. Admit it, you had a thing for the goofy boys from Nickelodeon. Oh, here it goes.

4. Drake Bell

From the Amanda Show to Drake and Josh, it was probably safe to call him the King of Nickelodeon for a while. And it probably didn't hurt that he was a musician. Not gonna lie, I saw him in concert when I was ten and my voice hasn't been the same since.

5. Jonas Brothers

Okay, it's time to go crazy over some JoBros. Let's take a moment to mourn all of the friendships that were lost fighting over who would marry which Jonas Brother in sixth grade.

6. Taran Killam

It may have just been me, but Taran has had my heart since Stuck in the Suburbs. If the day ever comes where he plays/sings on SNL, my heart would probably explode from happiness.

7. Devon Werkheiser

Let's face it, Ned got us through school. We all fell in love with Devin Werkheiser for his goofy personality, his quirkiness, and his heart for helping. Thank you to Ned's Declassified for giving my middle school days unrealistic expectations.

8. Chad Michael Murray

I fell in love with him as Austin Aimes in A Cinderella Story. I fell harder each time he walked across my screen as Lucas Scott in One Tree Hill. Some girls may have fallen for Nathan, but Chad Michael Murray always held a special place in my heart.

9. Taylor Lautner

I am pretty sure my seventh grade year revolved around him. Girls in my class would pass magazines around just looking at pictures of him. My friendship with one of my best friends hasn't been the same since she practically attacked me for a poster of him.

10. Ryan Merriman

Don't know who Ryan Merriman is? Well if you have a favorite Disney Channel original movie between 1999 and 2004, he was probably in it somewhere. It seemed like he was everywhere I looked and I was perfectly fine with that. For those of you who don't remember him from movies like Smart House and Luck of the Irish, maybe you will recognize him from a more recent project of his: a small show called Pretty Little Liars.

11. Frankie Muniz

From Malcolm in the Middle to Agent Cody Banks, there was no stopping Frankie Munez in the early 2000s.

12. Justin Timberlake

JT just keeps getting better and better

13. Aaron Carter

Try and convince me that you didn't love him. He was everywhere.

14. Shia LaBeouf

Who didn't grow up loving Lewis Stevens? And then who didn't love him even more after Even Stevens?

16. Ryan Gosling

If you're a bird, I'm a bird.

I hope you all enjoyed this little walk down memory lane. Be sure and comment down below letting me know who you were totally crushing on from the 2000s.

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