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He Sews Better Than Your Mom And 19 Other Signs That Your Boyfriend Doubles As A Housewife

I'm totally speaking from experience here.

He Sews Better Than Your Mom And 19 Other Signs That Your Boyfriend Doubles As A Housewife
Lauren Schugg

Against all stereotypes and pre-existing mind frames, some men are totally comfortable in being themselves and doing exactly as they please, which at times consists of things that constitute as "feminine." I hate this idea that females have specific roles and men have certain things that they should and shouldn't do. Apparently, my boyfriend hates them too.

Here are 19 signs that your boyfriend is basically a reincarnate of a housewife:

He sews better than your mom.

Well, he may call it "fixing" because it sounds manlier, even though it definitely is still called sewing. Either way, that clothing item you adore that got a hole in it will be fixed.

Thank you, Matt, for "fixing" my favorite pair of jeans before we were even dating. What a stud.

He’s the best nurse around.

Blood doesn't freak him out, so he's ready to do everything from taking your temperature to disinfecting those cuts, and even bandaging a wound.

Thank you, Matt, for being my nurse when I had a wound that needed packed.

He can even be a doctor if you need him to be.

Feeling sick? He can diagnose accurately quicker than a real doctor and for free. He already knows what the actual doctor will say and can even tell you the medicines you'll be prescribed, so even when you don't want to make a trip to the doctor's office, he'll tell you if it'd be worth it to go.

Thank you, Matt, for forcing me to go to the doctor before I got any worse.

He helps to cook dinner, not just eat it.

He doesn't believe that women belong in the kitchen, and he realizes that food prep can get done twice as fast when two people are doing it. He also sees it as an activity you can do together and bond over. Plus, he loves finding new recipes to make.

Thank you, Matt, for actually enjoying making dinners with me instead of expecting me to do it all.

He can make a bed in record time.

Did you know that to put a fitted sheet on you're supposed to put the corners diagonal from each other on first? Yeah, I didn't either until he told me.

Thank you, Matt, for putting my bed sheets on for me because you know how much I hate doing it.

Instead of catching him with a hand in the cookie jar, you catch him with a hand in the dishwasher.

Nothing says "housewife" more than when you leave the room for five minutes and you return to your boyfriend emptying out the dishwasher… that isn't even his.

Thank you, Matt, for putting dishes away when you aren't even the one who uses them.

Sun is up? So is he.

Even on weekends and days off and after a long night out, he will be awake at the crack of dawn. His to-do list for that day is halfway done by the time you are just convincing yourself to roll out of bed.

Thank you, Matt, for waking me up so early all the time *sarcasm*.

It seems magical how much he can get done in such a short time.

He's like a freaking fairy godmother or something. You aren't even done classes for the day and he has somehow already worked a four-hour shift, studied, did homework, and practically travelled around the world, and you're still sitting in that same chair staring at the same boring chalkboard.

Thank you, Matt, for always managing to make time for me in your busy day.

He’s a boyfriend who doubles as a housewife who doubles as a chauffeur.

You never have to drive because you know he'll do it for you. Like the old saying goes, if you want something done right, do it yourself. So, if he is going to critique your driving or give you directions you didn't ask for, then he should be the one driving.

Thank you, Matt, for driving me everywhere so that I don't have to take the bus (even though I don't mind it).

He is definitely a food critic.

Every time you go to eat, he has some type of comment about the food. Sometimes it is "Wow, we should make this at home" and other times it's "this totally sucks. I could cook better than this." Regardless, there's always a comment coming.

Thank you, Matt, for basically acting like the Bobby Flay to my Anne Burrell.

It definitely doesn’t take much to convince him to decorate cookies with you.

Totally self-explanatory. If you don't like baking cookies, then you're lying.

Thank you, Matt, for decorating those nasty store-bought Valentine's Day cookies with me.

He’s the fastest grocery shopper.

He knows what he needs, where to find it, and even how much it will cost him. This may be a result of him being a creature of habit or he just really does have that natural homebody instinct.

Thank you, Matt, for making speedy grocery store trips with me, since you know I don't have the patience to dilly-dally all day.

He never buys anything he doesn’t need, but buying in bulk is a definite.

Similar to his fast grocery store adventures, he never takes his eyes off of what he needs. While your eyes are drifting and checking out every possible food you walk by, touching every item of clothing you pass, and looking at all of the most random trinkets, he is a man on a mission.

Thank you, Matt, for keeping me on track with what I need to buy and what I definitely shouldn't.

He quickly agrees to a night in instead of going out.

In accordance with his homebody nature, he doesn't pass up an opportunity to stay home and watch a movie, play board games, or sit around with friends. Staying in can make the best memories, and he knows how to embrace that.

Thank you, Matt, for letting "date night" be ordering take-out food and watching '80s high school movies with me.

He ~attempts~ to do laundry.

Yeah, he does his own no problem, but when he tries to do yours, it's a little bit more difficult. He's so used to not separating his lights and darks and he never changes the washer settings, but he still wants to try.

Thank you, Matt, for that one time where I was folding laundry and you tried to be helpful by putting the padding back in one of my bras, even though you put white pads in a black bra that clearly didn't match.

If something needs done, you bet it will be done ASAP.

This can sometimes get annoying because sometimes you just want to chill. You know you have responsibilities and you'll get them done in due time. When he's around though, he'll remind you about them so much that you'll do it, not to get it done, but to get him to relax about it.

Thank you, Matt, for giving your all and more in everything you do.

He takes out the trash before it’s even totally full.

Even in his messy apartment full of other guys, garbage sometimes gets out of hand, but if he is walking out the door and even takes the smallest glance at the trash can and he'll be taking the bag out with him.

Thank you, Matt, for not only keeping up with your own apartment but helping out in mine as well.

“I’ll clean it later” isn’t a phrase you hear often.

Aside from the rare occasion where he forgets about something, he can't even walk past a mess he made without fixing it. Meanwhile, that sock you threw on the ground last week? Yeah, you haven't picked that up yet.

Thank you, Matt, for understanding that I may not be as bothered by messes as you can be.

His hair braiding skills are on point.

He's a man of many talents. You never know what other tricks he is going to pull out of his hat... until you say you need your hair braided. Then, his only question for you is if you want a waterfall braid or a fishtail braid.

Thank you, Matt, for always keeping me on my toes and surprising me with all of the random things you know how to do and all of the useless tidbits of information you tell me.

He ALWAYS puts down the toilet seat.

You never have to worry about falling into the toilet in the middle of the night because he never forgets to put the seat down. That is a typical female move that his manly housewife self has become adapted to.

Thank you, Matt, for listening to your mother as a child when she told you that mice would crawl out if you didn't put the seat down. I solely believe that that is the reason you consistently do it.

As a sidenote, I'd like to thank Matthew's parents for raising an upstanding kid who actually took to heart all of the lessons you worked so hard to teach him over the last 21 years. He truly is something special, and you two should be so proud of who you helped raise him to be.

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