27. Daughters of the Moon series by Lynne Ewing | The Odyssey Online
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29 Books You Will Only Remember If You Were A Pre-Teen In The Early 2000s

Basically my love letter to Meg Cabot for raising me.

29 Books You Will Only Remember If You Were A Pre-Teen In The Early 2000s

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Teen literature (YA) hit its height during the early 2000s. There were so many books and book series coming out aimed at the pre-teen and teen demographic. I loved going to the local library and discovering a new series to get into.

If you were a voracious reader in the early 2000s, you'll probably remember reading at least a few of these books and book series!

1. 'The Mediator' series by Meg Cabot

I loved this series. A teen girl who speaks to ghosts and falls in love with a hot Latino? And those plot twists were something else!

2. 'ttyl' & 'ttfn' by Lauren Myracle

It was like reading the chat room history between you and your best friends. Truly revolutionary and ahead of its time.

3. 'The Princess Diaries' series by Meg Cabot

If you were a fan of this series, you know the movies completely strayed from the plot. I devoured these books.

4. The 'Harry Potter' series by J.K. Rowling

These books mark a generation in time. I will always remember the midnight releases and the feeling of anticipating the next installment.

5. The 'Gossip Girl' series by Cecily von Ziegesar

Those who read the books know that they were a little racier than the CW series. Eleven-year-old me probably shouldn't have been reading about high-schoolers snorting cocaine in New York, but I did and I loved it.

6. 'The Clique' series by Lisi Harrison

Honestly, I lived for the drama of these books and always ordered the newest one from the Scholastic book orders catalogue.

7. 'Confessions of Georgia Nicolson' by Louise Rennison

Ever heard of 'Angus, Thongs, and Full-frontal Snogging'? I read the whole series.

8. 'T*Witches' series by H.B. Gilmour and Randi Reisfeld

This was another book series that I remember ordering from the Scholastic catalogue whenever the latest one came out. It's pretty different from the Disney Channel movie.

9. 'The Au Pairs' series by Melissa de la Cruz

Kind of like Gossip Girl, but more summer.

10. The Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray

These books have seriously left a lasting impact on me. I'm still waiting for a movie, although I can't imagine it would be as well done as the books deserve.

11. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares

Those iconic jeans.

12. 'Speak' by Laurie Halse Anderson

A book that really opened up my eyes.

13. 'Avalon High' by Meg Cabot

So many of the books on this list became movies. I really loved this book but the movie felt so, so disappointing.

14. 'All-American Girl' & 'Ready Or Not' by Meg Cabot

I related to the moody main character so much. Except for the part where she saved the president.

15. 'Molly Moon' series by Georgia Byng

I adored these books with their holographic covers and quirky plot lines.

16. The historical novels by Celia Rees

Pirates. Witches. Sorceresses. This author introduced us to some seriously bad ass women in history.

17. The 'A-List' series by Zoey Dean

There were SO MANY series about rich, beautiful teens. Basically the Instagram influencers of that time.

18. House of Night series by P.C. & Kristen Cast

19. 'How My Private, Personal Journal Became a Bestseller' by Julia DeVillers

If you've seen 'Read It And Weep', you should know it was a book before!

20. Peach Girl manga series

21. The Books of Bayern series by Shannon Hale

22. The American Girl self-help books

Was this a rite of passage for American girls?

23. Chicken Soup

24. The 1-800 Where Are You? series by Meg Cabot

25. Truth, Dare, Kiss, or Promise series by Cathy Hopkins

26. Mates, Dates, and ... series by Cathy Hopkins

27. Daughters of the Moon series by Lynne Ewing

The covers were so beautiful and the stories were interesting.

The Girls of Many Lands series from American Girl

This was a great series of books, aimed for an older demographic. I really enjoyed these historical stories.

29. History Mysteries from American Girl

A set of mystery novellas all set in different time periods. I really enjoyed some of these! My local bookstore even held an event with a book signing with one of the authors who wrote for this series.

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