After another weekend of our presidential candidates further proving their incapabilities to hold office, Chicago, Illinois, mourned the death of its 400th victim of murder in 2016 alone. In Chicago, 75% of murders are of Black people, and 71% of murders are by Black people. In Detroit, upwards of 320 Black people were killed in 2014, a city where 81.6% of citizens are Black. Statistically, Detroit has the highest number of violent crimes per 100,000 people, and had 14,500 violent crimes in 2013, making it undoubtedly the most dangerous city in the United States of America.
According to the Homicide Trends in the United States, a report by the United States Department of Justice, 93% of Black victims were killed by other Blacks. The study also found that the homicide victimization rate for Blacks is 19.6 per 100,000 people, whereas the rate for Whites is 3.3. The homicide offending rate for Blacks is 24.7 per 100,000 people, and 3.4 for Whites.
The FBI Crime Report in 2013 showed that there were 2,245 Black-on-Black murders, and 2,509 White-on-White murders. However, 63.7% of the U.S. population is White, and only 13.3% of the population is Black, confirming that Blacks are much more likely to kill Blacks than Whites to kill Whites.
For perspective, the Tuskegee Institute studied the total amount of lynchings from 1882-1968. The study shows that 3,446 Blacks were lynched within that 84 year period. The FBI crime statistics from 2010 and 2011 show that Blacks murdered 4,906 Blacks over the two year period, almost 1,500 more killed.
There is no denying that America had systemic racism in its past, but, despite what the Left narrates, those days are long gone. Racism exists and likely always will, but it is nowhere near as rampant as it once was, and all of these statistics prove that the country has bigger problems to tackle.
In 2015, the police killed 258 Blacks and 494 Whites. I have always agreed that the policing in this country can be reformed, but when Black Lives Matter marches for Michael Brown, a criminal who, dare I say, deserved what he got, and does not march for the thousands of Blacks who fall victim to other Blacks, therein lies the problem.
First, poverty in the Black community definitely plays a role in the staggeringly high number of Black-on-Black crimes. Blacks have the lowest median household income of any race, $35,157 in 2013. Hispanics are slightly above Blacks, reeling in $42,625, but committing nowhere near as much crime, especially along intraracial lines.
Second, 67% of Black children live in single-mother households. In many families, the father-figure is absolutely essential in instilling discipline in the child. Without a father, many Blacks lack the discipline that a father-figure typically teaches. Civil society is a learned trait, and without someone to teach courtesy, too many Black teens submit to crime, as many as 49% are arrested before they turn 23.
Third, Black culture does not support law enforcement. Only 30% of Blacks are confident in the police to do their jobs. After every police shooting on a Black person, Blacks march, some peacefully, some violently, and sow the narrative that the race is under attack.
The Black race is under attack, and the aggressor is Black violence.
What To Do:
Let's root out the problems from the top, once our politicians and their policies are void of any illegitimate claims, the solutions will begin to arise.
Professional race-baiter Al Sharpton has visited President Obama over 80 times. Sharpton has been known to leech on to interracial engagements and precipitate his racist story. In other words, to Sharpton, every bad thing that happens to Black people is because of White people. Sharpton has also demanded the Black community be rewarded money for slavery reparations, while only approximately 1.5% of Whites in the United States have ancestral ties to slavery.
Sharpton clung himself to the Black Lives Matter movement, a movement that holds no legitimacy because it does not represent its self-appointed title.
Black Lives Matter has marched all over the nation against "racist policing" after almost every Black death at the hands of police officers. As I previously stated, more Blacks are killed by Blacks than by police. Why isn't BLM marching in Detroit, or Chicago, or Oakland?
If Black Lives Matter actually cared about Black lives, it would start within the Black community where Blacks are actually being slaughtered. When Black people stop senselessly killing each other, the movement can advance its agenda with legitimacy. Until then, Black Lives Matter will be a fraud. Black Lives Matter belongs nowhere near politicians and should not influence domestic policy because, despite the name, the group only cares about Black lives murdered by Whites.
The answer to solving this problem is simple: law enforcement. The Black community needs strict law enforcement, but it instead bites the hand which keeps it safe. The police are mostly good people who wish to keep their communities safer.
When Michael Brown was shot dead, the Black community, almost unanimously, reprimanded the police, asking, "Why did they have to shoot him?" For the Black community to advance, the questions must be "Why did he strong arm rob a clerk?" or "Why did he reach for a police officer's gun?"
The entire American community can and should come together under one principle, accountability. Once the individuals, not society, are held accountable, the crime can stop.