The Best Black Friday 2020 Beauty Deals Everybody Should Know About
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13 Black Friday Beauty Deals Every Beauty Junkie On A Budget Should Absolutely Know About In 2020

Waiting at my keyboard above the "place order" button till then.

someone holding a bronzer with "tower 28" written on it over their eye

For every online shopper, Black Friday is the holiday to look forward to every year. Like many of my fellow beauty-lovers, I watch my favorite skincare and makeup launches of the year like a hawk from the day after Halloween. As newsletter emails and (suspiciously well) targeted Instagram ads start touting deals, I'll mark them down in my planner to make sure I can keep track of them all.

For most of us, skincare and natural beauty have been at the forefront of our minds. We're more invested in self-care and choosing the best products we possibly can to nourish our bodies than ever before.

In a year in which we've been feeling an extreme loss of control, purchasing a serum with the best acne-fighting ingredients or hitting "place order" on the eyeshadow palette you've been watching influencers toy with for months can be a form of self-love that infuses our days with the energy that perhaps indulging in a long stroll through the beauty aisle of Target used to.

For that reason and for the sheer love of all things beauty, below are the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals our skin (and wallets) can't wait to have land at our doorstep.

Lord Jones to channel our inner royal and heal all the holiday stress


With the code CALM2020, Lord Jones customers will receive 25% off the purchase of one product, 30% off the purchase of two products and 35% off the purchase of three or more products (excluding gumdrops, gift boxes, and gift cards).

Kate Somerville to cure all (and every) skincare woe


From the makers of the Liquid Exfolikate Triple Acid Resurfacing Treatment I count on whenever I'm experiencing a breakout, Kate Somerville is offering 25% off from November 26 to 29 using code BFCM25, then 30% off on November 30 with code BFCM30.

For all five days, get a full-size Retinol Vitamin C Moisturizer with every $150 purchase — trust me, you'll be spending more than that.

NEST New York for the ideal partner to any bubble bath


NEST makes the candles that please your eyes just as much, if not more, than they do your nose — I plan on using plenty of their Birchwood Pine and Holiday Classic candles to decorate our home for the holidays. NEST New York is offering 25% off from November 26 to 30 using code FRIDAY along with a complimentary Amalfi Lemon & Mint Classic Candle with any purchase over $200.

On November 30, the deal gets sweeter with a complimentary Midnight Fleur rollerball with any purchase — it's the perfect time to fill up on a year's worth of candles.

OGX to restock on all your clean haircare must-haves


I already know I'll be restocking on my favorite, holy grail hairspray — OGX's Argan Oil Hair Spray is the only thing I count on for holding my style without a hard, crunchy finish.

The cult-favorite brand had natural hair product junkies swooning from the moment they launched. The already budget-friendly brand is offering $2 off any product at $7.99, $8.99, or $9.99 on Ulta's website from November 22 to 28.

Alder New York to support the best friend-founded, vegan, genderless beauty brand of our dreams

Alder New York

Alder New York's clean products are as sleek and cool as they are effective — their gua sha tool is a staple in my weekly masking routine.

Everything from the vegan, cruelty-free, locally-manufactured, and ethically-made brand will be 25% off from November 25 to December 1.

Bathing Culture for a non-toxic brand that'll transform any shower in to a spa

Bathing Culture

I've never wanted smell-o-vision more than I have when writing about Bathing Culture — inhaling the strong cathedral grove scent in their Mind and Body Wash is a transportive experience anyone who showers should have.

From November 20 to 30, everything but their bundles are 20% off on the Bathing Culture site.

HELLEN for chakra-aligning bath brews


If you've ever wanted to try Reiki and just haven't gotten around to it, founder Hellen Yuan personally infuses her bath brews with Reiki energy to treat the heart, throat, root, and sacral chakras.

From 12 a.m. EST on November 27 to 12 a.m. December 1, get 20% off with code 2020SPIRIT.

LINNÉ Botanicals if you have as much of a green thumb as you do love for skincare

LINNÉ Botanicals

Founder Jenna Levine is California-certified in plant botany and herbal medicine, making her the ideal person to make clean, natural skincare.

The small-batch products will all be 20% off on the LINNÉ Botanicals site, and every purchase over $150 comes with a free Skin Tea.

Tower28 for the cult-favorite, WOC-founded clean beauty brand approved by the National Eczema Association


One of my favorite beauty brands of all time, Tower28 is a brand every beauty lover should be supporting for its roots, ingredients, and thoughtfulness in every step of production. Their beauty balms are a holy grail product I'll be using for many years to come.

If you've tried and already fallen for the brand, refill on your favorites from 12 a.m. PST on November 27 to 11:59 p.m. PST on November 30 using code THANKFUL20 to get 20% off the Tower28 site with free shipping.

Vitruvi for a sibling-founded brand every holistic beauty lover should know


Every holistic beauty lover has heard of the famously elegant, chic, Goop-loved stone diffusers. When my skin is feeling particularly sensitive, I'll put some lavender essential oil in my diffuser before bed and wake up with a renewed glow. If you're acne-prone, do the same with tea tree oil and you won't regret it.

From November 23 at 6 p.m. PST to 12 a.m. PST on November 30, get 30% off Vitruvi's entire site, excluding their new Move and Stay diffusers.

Botanics for the cult-favorite skincare line clean beauty lovers have been raving about


Chances are if you haven't already tried this brand, you've definitely walked past its chic packaging and luxurious oils on the shelves of Walgreens before.

This year, from November 22 to 28, buy two products and get one free. You'll also get an extra 10% off using code GIFT10 on Walgreens website, as well as a free gift with purchase when you spend over $25 in-store.

The Beauty Spy for the international beauty lover who wants every Asian beauty secret


One of my favorites on this list, The Beauty Spy is the safe way to source all your international beauty needs without the worry of getting un-certified, fake products at unreliable third-party retailers. They sell the Pore Tight Peeling Mousse that I swear by to get rid of blackheads — and that you've probably seen all over TikTok.

From November 23 to 30, get 20% off the whole site. They also have some incredible deals, below on a day-to-day basis.

  • 11/23
  • 11/24
  • 11/25
    • 40% Off All Tan Organics!
    • Tan Organic Multi-Use Dry Oil - Sale Price: $24, Full Price: $40
    • Tan Organic Self Tan Lotion - Sale Price: $22.80, Full Price: $38
  • 11/26 - Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale
  • 11/27
  • 11/28
  • 11/29
  • 11/30
  • Peter Thomas Roth for some of the most highly-effective skincare I've ever used


    From November 26–30, get a whopping 50% off the Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer at Sephora. It's a holy grail for anyone with dry skin and fear of looking like a grease ball. I personally count on it for my combination skin in the wintertime.

    Odyssey may earn a portion of purchases made via links on this page.

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