Why You Should Be A BFWYM (Best Friends With Your Mom)
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8 Reasons To Be A BFWYM (Best Friends With Your Mom) Like I Am

I'm not ashamed to be best friends with the one person that knows me best.

Women cheering with wine in Italy
Julia Smith

The whole argument around the one comment "My mom is my best friend," is a hit or miss for some young adults. When we're young, we depend on our mother for lively hood. They are our peanut butter to our jelly, our air we breathe. They shape who we are. Unfortunately, some may never know their mother and sometimes wonder what it is like to have maternal attention.

For the girls out there who don't see eye to eye with their mom or just feel like their under your feet, appreciate the love and care she has for you. Whether we like to admit it or not, girls are terrible. We have our fights, our gossip, and our drama, so why not your best friend be your mom? I admit, my mom being my best friend. The perks that come with her being my number one wingman are irreplaceable and make our relationship that much stronger.

She's honest

For me, I always look at my friend's for advice. With outfits, boys, or just anything in life. Friends are always there to keep you going, but sometimes friends won't tell you the true meaning they don't want to step on your toes or create a conflict in your relationship. My mom always gives me the tough truth which is always right. It's not that what I'm doing is wrong it's just that my mom knows the decision that works for me and always wants me to make the best choices that she knows I would agree with in the long run. Your mom will always be there and every time looks back at a time I didn't take her advice, she was always right.

She is always available

It's always hard to make plans with friends living two separate lives. In this case, your mom is always there. I know I can call, text, or see her at any time and she's always there. She's a 24-7, 365 days gal and it's amazing to have her always there for me. I never have to worry about making plans when we can just come up with them in second and you never have to wait for her to respond.

She won't ever leave you

In many cases, friendships come and go, people change, things don't always work out. I'm not saying my mom and I always agree, we have our fights, but one thing I have learned is that mothers don't hold grudges. Everything they do is what is best for their child. I always knew that whenever I got in a huge fight with a friend or a boyfriend she always therein knew what to say.

She accepts you for who you are

It's hard being a girl. We're always in competition being the smartest, prettiest, most accomplished. Competition can get in the ways of many relationships. Many may find they have different friend groups and act totally different in each. Whenever I'm with my mom, I'm always myself. Never afraid to do, say, or act differently because she accepts me for who I am. Sometimes you know your friend's limits and never cross their boundaries in fear of ruining your friendship, but with my mom, there are no boundaries.

She will keep all your secrets

I have my close friends that I spill my tea with, but my mom is the best person to tell. You never know what will happen and girls LOVE to talk and word always gets around. This is not intentional, but when someone knows something, it's hard to keep secrets. Its human to always let out new knowledge its exciting and something new. I always know when someone comes to me with something deep, I always run it by my mom for advice or just a leaning ear. Maybe It because she is a very insightful person, or I trust her keeping her word. This eliminates any drama.

She knows me best

The one person at least in my case that spends the most time with you since birth is your mom. She carries you, brings you into this world, and raises you to be the person you are today. She watches you grow and watches you fall. She takes notes and always refers to them to help you in the future. I always know when my mom gives me advice its either from personal experience or just from knowing me all this time.

She buys me stuff

Not going to lie, I like being spoiled by my mom. I love going to eat with her because she pays, so free food is always nice. She always buys me the right gifts because she knows my taste. Although material things are great, I know our relationship would still be strong, even if she's always constantly giving me money to support her poor college student.

She has unconditional love

No matter what happens in life, the path you choose to take or the decisions you make, I know my mom will always be there for me. I am very grateful to have this relationship with her because I know many don't see eye to eye with their mom. Its ok If you don't have that relationship sometimes the mom and daughter bond grows with age and time. I am not ashamed to have a movie night or go out with my mom. It might sound lame, but I know she is truly my best friend.

When you are done with school for the semester, go give your mom an extra hug when you walk into the front door of your home! She will hold you until you can't breathe anymore!

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