6. Parks and Recreation (2009) | The Odyssey Online
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If God Had A Favorite Genre It Would Be Mockumentary

What if God was one of us?

If God Had A Favorite Genre It Would Be Mockumentary

According to Dictionary.com, the definition of a mockumentary is "a movie or television show depicting fictional events but presented as a documentary."

Now imagine, if God was a normal human being who had a regular job, a decent apartment and a Prius. I would say his favorite genre of TV shows would be mockumentary sitcoms. After a long day at work, I would assume God to be the type to lounge in front of his TV, turn on his Xbox and stream "The Office" (US)or "Trailer Park Boys" (2001) - maybe he'll have a beer or a bong rip too, who knows.
Those parody documentaries filled with awkward silence, casual dialogue, improvised scenes, and breaking the fourth wall has captured such critical praise in the last few years.
Mockumentry sitcoms are similar to comfort food - something warm and familiar like a bowl of macaroni n' cheese or fluffy mashed potatoes. They make a great palette cleanser after a horror movie or if you ever need a light-hearted laugh. Here are six mockumentary sitcoms that God himself has most definitely binge-watched.

1. Trailer Park Boys (2001)


Just when you think you know what's going on, the show takes a huge turn that you would've never predicted.

You shouldn't try too hard to figure out the message of these episodes or the show as a whole, because there really isn't one. Just random things happening such as Ricky getting shot in the ass by his daughter Trinity. It's the type of show you mindlessly watch and allow yourself to be amused.

Follow the Sunnyvale trailer trash boys Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles on their many misadventures and as they struggle to come up with money for booze, bud, and occasionally, pepperoni sticks.

2. The Office (2005)


Michael Scott is the boss I want. He can make your bad days even worse but somehow in a good way.

Michael Scott makes humor look exhausting, as it can be tacky yet entertaining to watch on the receiving end. Such as Jim and Pam mindlessly watching Michael embarrass himself countless times and encouraging him to do more of it for the sake of their own entertainment.

The characters in this show are overly-exaggerated versions of those people you vaguely know at your workplace, like if you were ever to get th It ironically depicts all the awkwardness, rivalry and drudgery of working in a cubicle type of office. I personally adore the American version over the original BBC's version.

3. Reno 911 (2003)

Comedy Central

Reno 911 was a very underrated show. However, the movie spin-off wasn't that great.

The commentary on police ideology picks at the crime-show genre with characters stranger than you'll think.

4. Arrested Development (2003)


This fiasco of a show presents a dysfunctional family, with subtle yet perfectly constructed layered gags and absurd antics creating a subtle yet hilarious performance.

You don't really know what you're watching at first, but you definitely become invested after two or three episodes.

5. Modern Family (2009)


The modern idea of a family is presented through the stories of a gay couple, a straight couple, and a multicultural couple. This mockumentary acknowledges all the flaws of family issues and complications.

But it's a feel-good type of narrative so there's always a positive outcome.

6. Parks and Recreation (2009)


Who would have thought that the parks and recreational department is actually pretty lit.

The openness of emotions is very much emphasized in this mockumentary. It's actually what people call a "crowd-pleaser," a happy ever after. Everyone ends up with the right people and the situation is happily resolved.

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