Munchos Potato Crisps | The Odyssey Online
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12 Salty Snacks College Girls Need For When It Feels Like The Dining Hall Is 20 Miles Away

What you should be eating when that craving hits.

12 Salty Snacks College Girls Need For When It Feels Like The Dining Hall Is 20 Miles Away

Salty snacks are an important part of life. When you get the craving for something salty, nothing else will satisfy your taste buds more than these snacks. Some of these are more healthy options, while others are less than healthy but just as delicious.

Nature Valley Sweet and Salty Nut Almond Granola Bars

Want something super salty, but also satisfying for those running late to class mornings? These are for you.

Lance Toasty Crackers with Peanut Butter

These may very well be the least salty option on this list, but they are so good I had to include them.

Angie’s Boomchickapop Kettlecorn

Nothing is better than a super salty sweet bag of popcorn.

Snyder’s Pretzels

Particularly the Salted Caramel flavor will hit that sweet and salty point you need in your life.

Planters Salted Peanuts

Who doesn't love nuts? These are the epitome of salty cravings.

Munchos Potato Crisps

The saltiest chips with no other added in flavorings will be found here.

Good Thins The Beet One Balsamic Vinegar & Sea Salt

Most people think beets and shy away, but I swear the salt and vinegar taste makes up for the fact that you are eating beet crackers. Throw on a bit of cream cheese spread and you might be super happy you tried these!

Bare Sea Salt Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet Potato Fries are one of those things I crave. In a dorm room, it's not so practical to try to cook a pan a French Fries, so these chips are a great salty replacement.

Chex Mix

A classic snack you can never forget. Those bread thingys are delicious.

The Good Bean Crunchy Sea Salt Chickpeas

Chickpeas? You think I'm crazy, but honestly, these are so much less messy than hummus (which your professor won't appreciate being spilled on your term paper) and they taste really great!

Dang Chocolate Sea Salt Coconut Chips

If you love mixing your salty cravings with a chocolate craving and you don't mind coconut, these are your go to snack.

Jack Link’s Teriyaki Beef Jerky

How can anyone write a list of snacks without including some type of jerky? The teriyaki ones made my list because they have a slightly salty aftertaste regular jerky just doesn't.

So, the next time you head to the store to stock your dorm consider one of these amazing snacks to satisfy all your salty cravings.

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