9. St. Elmo's Fire | The Odyssey Online
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Autumn Awaits: 30 Non-Halloween Movies Perfect for the Season

Sometimes you just want to watch a calm movie that isn't full of jump scares, but still puts you in the autumn mood!

Couple walking through trees in the autumn

Autumn isn't all about Halloween and scary movies. There's plenty of things to enjoy, like the bright, comforting colors, the cool weather, and the iconic fashion trends.

But most of the time, when searching for a fall movie you're met with long list of mostly horror movies. Those are great for the month of October as you prepare for Spooky Season, but what about November? November is still in Autumn! Or what about when you just really just want to curl up with a mug of hot cocoa, your fuzzy socks, and watch a movie that gives you the same serotonin boost as when they announce the Pumpkin Spice Latte is back at Starbucks?

My mission was to compile a list of movies that give off autumn vibes but are not Halloween or scary movies. Save for one or two depending on how traumatized you were as a child. Some of them are older, some are more recent. Some, you will say to yourself, "Ah, I see why this movie is on the list." Others, you will say, "What made this movie make it?" But I assure you, they do, in fact, give off autumn vibes. Some of the movies just simply take place in Autumn, and because they're a classic, made the list. Some of the movies don't even take place in Autumn, or what season they take place in isn't made clear.

I promise you this, though. Each movie on this list will make you feel at ease, and make you swear you can smell a Bath & Body Works Harvest Gathering candle.

1. Pride & Prejudice (2005)

It might just be the color palette of the entire film, or maybe this is just another excuse to watch this film again.

2. A Room With A View

A room with a view movie - couple in a field of grass


One of my all-time favorite movies, and I feel it doesn't get enough love. It contains an all-star cast, including Dames Judi Dench and Maggie Smith, Daniel Day-Lewis, Simon Callow, Rupert Graves, and a young and always iconic Helena Bonham Carter.

Really, any Ivory-Merchant film adaption of an E.M. Forster novel is bound to give off autumn vibes.

3. Little Women (2019)

Little Women movie - couple standing on a hill


The version with Winona Ryder may be more winter-aligned, but the recent adaption from 2019 gives off cozy fall vibes.

4. When Harry Met Sally

When Harry Met Sally movie - couple talking in a park


I mean...almost every promotional photo for the film screams Autumn!

5. Dead Poets Society

I hereby declare that any film that takes place during the school year is automatically an autumn film!

6. You've Got Mail

You've Got Mail movie - couple hugging next to a dog


Bonus: there's a cute dog!

7. Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting movie - two men sat laughing


A must-see for any fall season.

8. Rudy

Rudy movie - American footballers celebrating


If you don't cry at the end of Rudy, I lowkey judge you. Even my father cries at the end of this movie (Sorry Dad!).

9. St. Elmo's Fire

Struggling with adulting this fall? We can relate.

10. October Sky

October Sky movie - large group of people looking up at the sky


I mean, October is right there in the name! Put this on your watchlist if you haven't seen it already.

11. The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club movie - group of teenagers sitting on a workbench


Technically, the movie takes place in March, but it's still got the right vibe.

12. Steel Magnolia's

You know the season is better with this movie.

13. Fried Green Tomatoes

Fried Green Tomatoes movie - two ladies sitting at a table in a restaurant


This movie may actually take place majority in the summer, but I'm not sure. Still, it's forever a comfort-classic.

14. Elizabethtown

Elizabethtown movie - Couple sat on wall looking at the view


There's just something autumnal about road trips and family meals.

15. Spider-Man (2002)

Spider-Man movie - Family sat round a table for dinner


This was a suggestion from a friend. Just trust us, okay? It takes place during Thanksgiving and features the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.

16. Charlotte's Web (1973)

Not only a childhood favorite, but the majority of the plot takes place in autumn. Although, isn't Wilbur a Spring Pig?

17. Mystic Pizza

Mystic Pizza movie - three ladies in a pizza restaurant


You definitely will be craving pizza during this movie, so make sure to have the Domino's number close by.

18. Matilda

Another childhood favorite that gives you warm, fuzzy feelings. Just like your favorite fall sweater.

19. The Twilight Series

The Twilight Series movie - couple standing in woods


Some may consider this a Halloween movie because of vampires. And yet, the Washington scenery is just full of autumn vibes.

20. Stepmom

Stepmom movie - two ladies standing together


Of course, a movie list is never complete without multiple Julia Roberts classics.

21. Fly Away Home

Fly Away Home movie - Young girl with baby ducks


We love a good father/daughter movie during the fall!

22. Coco

Coco movie - Animated boy playing a guitar


This Disney animated film is sure to put a smile on your face during this chilly fall season.

23. James and the Giant Peach

We all loved this movie growing up, but have you watched it recently as an adult? This movie is weird, I'm not going to lie. I'm very surprised I didn't have bug-related nightmares.

24. Enola Holmes

Enola Holmes movie - Man and women sat leaning against a tree


This new Netflix Original about Sherlock Holmes' younger sister Enola (not Sherlock. It isn't about Sherlock!) is also a very comforting book series!

25. Big Fish

Big Fish movie - Man and lady sitting in a field of daffodils


What fall season is complete without watching at least one Tim Burton film?

26. Where the Wild Things Are

Another movie we watched as children and look back on and say, "Wow, that was weird!"

27. Sweet Home Alabama

Sweet Home Alabama - couple looking into each others eyes


It's in the South, des that make it okay for autumn vibes?

28. The Perks of Being a Wallflower

One of the best coming-of-age movies that has come out somewhat recently. This is a must-see for any season, but especially this fall.

29. Coraline

Coraline movie - animated girl in colorful garden and night


I personally never saw this as a scary movie, but I do know some people who were traumatized by it as a child and cannot watch it to this day. Still, it makes the list because even if it is scary, it's a kids movie.

30. Honorable Mention: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Regarded as both a Halloween and a Christmas movie, this film makes the list to split the difference.

So, put on your softest pajamas, your fuzziest socks, pop some popcorn, and snuggle up for the most comforting movie marathon you've ever experienced!

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