4. Lily Collins in Giambattista Valli Haute Couture | The Odyssey Online
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The Campiest Of Them All: 16 Best Dressed Attendees At The 2019 Met Gala

No, we aren't talking about outdoor tents and s'mores.

The Campiest Of Them All: 16 Best Dressed Attendees At The 2019 Met Gala

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It's that time of the year again—the first Monday in May—where public figures and celebrities dress to the nines according to a theme presented by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, New York. The Met Gala, which is arguably one of the most exclusive invite-only events in history, is held every year to raise money for the museum's costume institute and its spring exhibition.

The Met Gala is basically the Super Bowl for the fashion industry, being the most important night of the year for designers, models, celebrities and publications such as Vogue.

This year's gala took place on May 6, where Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, Gucci creative director Alessandro Michele, Lady Gaga, Harry Styles and Serena Williams were co-chairs. This year's theme was "CAMP: Notes on Fashion," inspired by Susan Sontag's 1964 essay "Notes on Camp."


The notion of "camp," as Sontag put it, is "a vision of the world in terms of... a particular kind of style." She went on to say that camp is the love of the exaggerated, the "off," the "things-being-what-they-are-not."

Glen Weldon, a panelist on NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast, defined camp as "deliberately outrageous, challenging and subversive mocking." Weldon suggested that there has to be some sense of outrage in the outrageousness of camp.

With that being said, the attendees at this year's Met Gala brought CAMP to the table, from numerous outfit changes to light up gowns.

Like last year, this will be a review of the best dressed of the bunch. Here are this year's best dressed at "CAMP: Notes on Fashion."

1. Billy Porter in The Blonds

Billy Porter / Instagram

2. Dua Lipa in Versace

Dua Lipa / Instagram

3. Jared Leto in Gucci

Jared Leto / Instagram

4. Lily Collins in Giambattista Valli Haute Couture

Lily Collins / Instagram

5. Darren Criss in Balmain

Darren Criss / Instagram

6. Nick Jonas & Priyanka Chopra in Dior

Nick Jonas / Instagram

7. Janelle Monáe in Christian Siriano

Janelle Monáe / Instagram

8. Harry Styles in Gucci

Gucci / Instagram

9. Madelaine Petsch in Jean Paul Gaultier

Madelaine Petsch / Instagram

10. Emma Roberts in Giambattista Valli Couture

Emma Roberts / Instagram

11. Gwen Stefani in Moschino

Jeremy Scott / Instagram

12. Ezra Miller in Burberry

Met Gala / Instagram

13. Elle Fanning in Miu Miu

Elle Fanning / Instagram

14. Katy Perry in Moschino

Moschino / Instagram

15. Kylie and Kendall Jenner in Versace

Kylie Jenner / Instagram

16. Lady Gaga in Brandon Maxwell

Gaga's first look out of four at the 2019 Met Gala.

Lady Gaga / Instgaram

Lady Gaga's second look.Lady Gaga / Instagram

Lady Gaga's third look.Lady Gaga / Instagram

Lady Gaga's final look on the red carpet at the 2019 Met Gala.Lady Gaga / Instagram

From what was seen on the Met steps on May 6, no one is campier than Billy Porter, who was carried in by six shirtless men, and Lady Gaga, who busted out four different looks in 16 minutes. Whose looks made your jaw drop?

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