9. Kombucha. | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

9 Coffee Alternatives You Should Try To Benefit Your Health

There are so many better options for you and your body will love you for switching to them.

Cups of coffee

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For the past five years, I've really struggled with not being able to consume caffeine products, the biggest one being coffee. As soon as I was old enough in my parents' eyes to drink coffee, my body disagreed. Not only did I miss out on the hyper and energized caffeine effect that most people get, but it would give me horrible shakes throughout my whole body for hours. Because of that, I've been in search for the best alternatives to coffee.

1. Chicory Coffee.


Despite the name, it doesn't have any ingredients from a coffee bean. It's caffeine-free and tastes really similar. It comes from the Chicory Root. Also believed to be super rich in Insulin.

2. Matcha Tea.


This is a type of green tea that comes from the camellia sinensis plant. You can eat the entire leaf of this plant and is full of antioxidants.

3. Golden Milk.


If you're looking for something sweeter like a latte, try Golden Milk. This drink starts with a dairy-free base and has cinnamon, turmeric, and ground ginger. It is also known to have notes of vanilla and honey.

4. Lemon/Fruit Water.


This is exactly what it sounds like but when adding the right fruits to it, can give you the same amount of energy as a cup of coffee. It's super easy to make, and adding a sweetener like agave or honey makes it taste like juice.

5. Yerba Mate.


This is a naturally caffeinated herbal tea, originating from South America. It definitely gives you the boost you need, but before you dive in, know that this drink is super bitter because of the high tannin content in the tea leaves.

6. Chai Tea.


This one is my personal favorite. This is a black tea blended with herbs and spices and comes from the camellia sinensis plant but goes through a fermentation process. This is my personal favorite when almond milk, cinnamon, and honey are added. This drink is great hot or cold, and can be found at almost all of your favorite cafes and coffee houses.

7. Rooibos Tea.


A second name for this is red tea from South Africa. Although it isn't very well known yet, it's high in caffeine and can be found at places like Trader Joes, Fresh Market, Whole Foods, and even Walmart occasionally has it in stock.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar.


This one is hard to acquire a taste for but the results are amazing. It's made by fermenting crushed apples and adding yeast and bacteria. It's known to have beneficial effects on blood-sugar levels, and is a great energizer. You can mix it into other drinks, smoothies, use it as salad dressing, and drink it straight up.

9. Kombucha.


This is another one you might have to acquire a taste for, but has recently became very popular. It's made by fermenting black tea with bacteria, yeast, and sugar. You can find it in lots of flavors with the most well known brand, Synergy, like blueberry, lemonade, and strawberry mojito.

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