#BernOn USA
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#BernOn USA


Some may disagree with and be offended by the content following this message. Proceed with caution and an open mind. Respond with dignity and kind tongues.

I have mostly kept to myself about my political views this year. This is mainly because the civil conversation I am expecting to have with peers or adults that I intend to respect and hear out, turns into a disgraceful competition of who can get the most worked up.

However, I have recently seen too many posts that are only addressing one side of any and all issues. So I am here to defend why we “millennials” are all on board to #feeltheBern

The first reason I fell in love with Bernie is because he cares about ME. He is the only candidate that has spoken out about a variety of topics that I have strong feelings for. He is the only one I have heard take a stand for the younger generation. And in case that doesn’t quite make my point I’ll be blunt. Not once has Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton made me feel like anything they do while in office will be of benefit to me. Bernie has spoken out about minimum wage, college tuition, the school systems and so much more that directly affects me. I understand that the other candidates have some great ideas as well, but most of them are out to benefit the few in spite of the many. I will now defend him in lieu of all the negative and hateful things I have seen.

Minimum Wage:

Before we get rolling let me say that I agree. Going from $7.50 to $15 would be a mistake. The economy would retaliate in all ways from all directions. But the argument should not be focused on the dollar amount (though this seems to be a common theme in America). The focus should be on the fact that minimum wage was originally set in place as the minimum amount someone could get paid and still support themselves. I am not talking about having a luxurious car or nails or hair or anything of that sort. I am talking about going to a job, going home, and not having to stress about getting your bills paid because you don’t make enough. Now, since this wage does not allow an individual to support themselves alone, people have begun to take on two or even three jobs. That one person now has taken a spot that could be filled by someone else that also needs a job. Now, since I don’t think many people understand this for a variety of reasons, I want to break it down for you. Suppose I did not have help from my parents, I live on my own and take sole responsibility of all bills, I do not go to school and decide not to pay for extra luxuries such as cable and internet, phone, and do not own my own car… this is what my bills would look like:

  • $600 rent (cheapest I have ever found, crappy conditions)
  • $55 electricity
  • $40 water
  • $60 gas / transportation fee
  • $100 food and supplies
  • $250 health insurance

Around $ 1,105 per month

Now let us calculate how much I could make working maximum amount of hours at one job, earning minimum wage:

$7.50 x 40hours = $300 a week x 4weeks = $1,200 per month

This leaves me with about $95 a month give or take.

Now let’s say I live in a place where a car is necessary to get around, and let us be honest, getting by without a phone is nearly impossible these days for many reasons that are out of our control. So let us add:

  • $100 phone
  • $200 car note
  • $200 car insurance

$1605 in bills while only making $1200, leaves me $405 short each month.

Now let us say I am trying to “better my life” by earning my college degree. I would most likely not be able to work that amount of hours and still make the grades needed to be an above average student. It just wouldn’t be possible without scholarships or student loans, which most of us end up doing.

Do you see where I am going with this?

The argument was made that we just want “free stuff”. So excuse me if I get a bit vicariously angry when this is said. Excuse my language but… I did not work my ass off to get scholarships and put myself in debt (even with said scholarships) and struggle with money even with help from loans and my parents all while making a lower grade so I could work more hours only to stand by and watch others tear people like me down. I am beginning to feel like the American Dream is just that… a dream.

Next is this idea of Socialism:

Noun – a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

It has been said by many before me, “it doesn’t work”. But let me just ask you a question, is what we are doing now working? Do we not have people starving and homeless? Are we not, as a country, in debt? Are we not being attacked by terrorists or otherwise? Has crime not gone up? Has education not gone down? Are we just going to ignore all of these issues and still claim “America is the best?” Are we not our brother’s keepers?

The main issue is that we are judging this man solely by a label. Are we not past this level of triviality? I do not know much about socialism, or much about our own political system if I am being completely honest with you. But what I am trying to say is we keep trying the same method… we are bound to get the same results.

Last but certainly not least: "He is the worst of the candidates".

This brought me to a whole new level of sass.

So… Donald Trump, the man who has been known as a bully since before he began his campaign. The man who is deciding to make us focus on issues we need to take care of outside of this country to “make it great again”. The man who has threatened to hit people, reduced himself to childish name calling the moment anyone remotely speaks of him as anything other than the spawn of greatness. The man who is wrong for our country for so many reasons… I honestly feel like a mother trying to make her children understand that their bad decisions will have consequences that they will not want to deal with. I could decorate 5 full size parade floats with reasons why he is not a good candidate for president. How on earth is this man better suited than Bernie Sanders?

Hillary Clinton who has been shown to blatantly lie on more than one too many subjects. As a woman who would love to see a fellow sister in such a high ranking office, this does not erase the facts!

Bernie cares about the country as a whole, its citizens as individuals, the older ones that paved the way, and the younger ones that will make new changes! He speaks his mind, he is kind, and he cares about “we the people”. He understands that in order to make America great again, we must begin with … AMERICA. America and its people, its problems here within, its crime rates, drop in education rank, the debt, the starvation, the homelessness and so much more that is happening within our country. Do we want to make America great again for US? Or so that others think we are great, and fear us? Only to make them want to come here and then have us complain about immigration? YOU HAVE TO START FROM WITHIN.

So please folks, before you go saying that us “millennials” don’t know what we are talking about, know that we do! Know that we know some of these changes will be hard to get through and that not all of the plans we are being promised will come true and we still feel the Bern! (and don’t forget that if you insult our intelligence, remember who raised us and taught us.) We know the risks we are taking. I understand that I have to EARN things. But here is the difference, YOU (the older generations) have left me (a millenial) with nothing left to earn. At best I am striving for the spot underneath you, and I was not raised to believe that is good enough. I was not raised to stand by as my brothers and sisters beside me struggle even while trying their hardest to EARN their way. I was not raised to hoard more than necessary and shower myself with luxury while the country I LOVE is struggling to stay just that... So hear me when I say, I am not a young uneducated fool. I know the risk of SHARING my earnings. I refuse to stay seated and quiet about the issues that effect the very survival of my future, of my hope.

And let it be known, any man can have the title of President. But a coach could not win a game without players the work hard and work TOGETHER. My neighbors are not my enemy. Other religions, countries, languages, etc. are NOT my enemy. IGNORANCE and CLOSED MINDEDNESS is my enemy. I WILL take a stand. I WILL protect my brothers and sisters. I WILL fight for my country. OUR country.

Your voice matters, so don’t be seen throwing tantrums and spewing profanities. Use your tongue wisely. Speak love, acceptance and equality. Stand on your own, or sit with the crowd but If you want the change, you have got to get loud.

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