Just having to think about the student loans you have to pay back as soon as you graduate is stressful. It's even more stressful if you don’t have a steady good paying job during college. Majority of us do seasonal or work in retail, and those jobs aren’t going to pay the thousand dollars worth of loans you took out.
Being broke means you have a budget and you’re not allowed to go over that budget. Being broke is similar to being college broke, you basically have a maximum of 20 bucks in your wallet that can only be used if you’re dying. Otherwise it’s sitting in your wallet for the next two weeks until pay day comes.
Being college broke is having $20 but using it on your metro card instead and attending those free events at your school for the free gifts and the free food. Packing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the entire semester because you’re not willing to buy food from your school’s cafeteria.
When you’re broke, you can still go out but you can’t buy anything and you can’t go anywhere too expensive. You put limits to your wallet, you spend your money as wisely as possible and you put a ton of effort to have a lot of fun. So instead of going to the movies you use your brother’s Netflix account and binge watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt with your best friend in your living room while you both snack on food from McDonald’s dollar menu.
You can’t go out if you’re college broke and if you do, the chances of you having fun are nonexistent. There are piles of homework you have to get done. You have to schedule in when you can take a nap. You have to remember to take a shower and also text at least one friend so they know that you are still alive!
The best part about being broke is staying home. If you’re a homebody and love to cancel plans just to sleep, being broke isn’t too bad. Being broke is always going to be a downer; it will limit you from doing anything and everything but I want to encourage every type broke person to be as selfish as they want. These are the years to be extremely selfish and to put yourself out there no matter if you have $3 dollars or $300 dollars in your bank account! Do what you want and love what you do and never limit yourself because you don’t have money. Money will always find itself to you, and you just have to keep working and be grateful for everything. Remember that nothing comes easy and eventually you will succeed. Being broke is temporary, and it will suck and you will want to quit because it will get tough but you and your wallet will get through it.