If you've ever lost a loved one whether it be to illness, age, or accident the pain that comes with this news is overwhelming. A blanket of sadness has been placed over you and it takes time and healing to remove it. People cope in different ways. One of the most helpful way is to think about all the wonderful memories you have with your loved one. To be surrounded by love and light in a time when you feel so dark is a type of healing words can't describe.
When you lose someone, the impact they had on you becomes tremendously clear. How many lives they have made better just by existing comes to light in this wonderful way. When that happens, you realize your loved one lived with purpose. It feels like they have been ripped away from you. But deep in your heart, there is a feeling that this person did so much in the time they had with you. That person was a rainbow in your cloud and in someone else's cloud. Maya Angelou explains this best:
Who you are in the world can last even after you pass. The world can be a place filled with darkness and tragedy. It is up to us to help each other and try to make it a better place. The storm tearing through your heart will pass with enough love and kindness around you. And the people you love will help you pick up the pieces, even those who have passed. You could be a blessing to someone without even knowing it.
To my friend that was taken from the world so suddenly, thank you.
Thank you for showing me how to live each day with a purpose.
Thank you for being a constant light in days when the world felt dark.
Thank you for all the dancing and laughs that we shared.
Most importantly, thank you for being a rainbow to everyone you met.
The world will not be the same without you, but my hope is that everyone who met you will take the kindness you gave to them and use it in a positive way. Your caring heart left it's mark on the world. It was a blessing to be your friend, and even though you're not here you inspire me to live life with purpose everyday.