Well, as you can see from the trailer of the newly announced "Battlefield" game, video game players will be fighting in an era of history that has never been touched on by large video game developers and publishers. This era is World War I, and while we have had many World War II games, World War I is uncharted territory for us. This trailer gives me goosebumps in how awesome playing in this time period for us will be!
Time Period
World War I was the dawn of a kind of warfare that the world had never seen before. This war mixed together fighting strategies that had been used for hundreds of years and new technology that would revolutionize how future wars would be fought. This trailer speaks to this fact as you witness soldiers charging into battle on horses with swords and then you see the first design of the now famous tank charging towards the enemy.
This time period was also very brutal in that most of the combat was very close range and in the trailer you can see fighting with clubs, shovels and even flamethrowers. This game will not be for the faint of heart at all.
This was also the first war where aircraft made its appearance on the battlefield. We as the players will be engaging in dogfights with biplanes that are equipped with machine guns. I can now just imagine a mission in the game where you are a fighter pilot and you have to fight against the infamous Red Baron.
"Battlefield 1" looks absolutely amazing from a graphical standpoint. It honestly looks like a movie that we will be able to control. Dice went all out when they designed the look for this game. I am just drooling over the graphics cards they were using that would be powerful enough to create this masterpiece.
I know that usually games do not look as good graphically when they are released compared to what they look like in their announcement trailers, but trust me when I say this game will most likely look as good as it does now. I say this because "Battlefield" games usually look amazing graphically when they are released especially to their FPS rivals.
Here is a screenshot from "Battlefield 4" that shows their track record when it comes to graphics.
The anticipation for this game was already at a very high level by fans of the franchise, but with the release of this trailer the hype has now gone to a level that can not even be measured. This is because the "Battlefield" community has been waiting a entry into the series like "Battlefield 1" for years.
"Battlefield Hardline" was released last year and while it was a cool take on the concept of cops and robbers it felt like just an add on to the blockbuster that was "Battlefield 4." This is evident by the thousands of people who still play "Battlefield 4" even though it was released years ago even though a new entry into the franchise was just released. The community is ready for a new "Battlefield" game that will blow our socks off and give us the adrenaline rushing fun that they have been waiting for since "Battlefield 4" was released.
Verdict So Far
"Battlefield 1" looks to be the next blockbuster of a video game that we have been waiting for a while in the "Battlefield" franchise. It will be a breath of fresh air taking part in this uncharted time period of World War 1 for us players, even with the poisonous gas attacks. The game looks gorgeous and I can not wait to rush on the "Battlefield" with my friends when the game releases Oct. 21 later this year.
Make sure to dig those trenches deep and take cover when the artillery hits!