9. Talk to a friend. | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

12 Self-Care Tricks Perfect To Beat The Bad Day Blues

"'Cause you had a bad day"

12 Self-Care Tricks Perfect To Beat The Bad Day Blues

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Sometimes, you simply have a bad day. It's a normal experience and is even seen as healthy by most. Even so, no one likes for a bad day to stick around for too long. Here are a few ideas to help combat your next bad day:

1. Eat the Oreos.


Chocolate always make me feel better, and who wouldn't be happy with a few Oreos in their system?!

2. Read a good book before bed.


I don't know if it's because I'm mentally middle-aged, or because I'm in love with reading, but drifting off to sleep while I catch up with some of my favorite literary characters is always a mood-booster.

3. Do the chores you keep forgetting to do.


Nothing stresses me out more than a daunting "to do" list! Just think about how amazing you will feel when that list is cleaner than your house!

4. Put on a face mask.


At this point, I'm convinced face masks don't really do anything but make me look cccrrrreeeeeeeeeeepppppyyyyy. Even so, something about wearing one always puts me in relaxation mode, so I'm here for it.

5. Watch a not-so-good movie.


Sometimes, ya just have to ignore what qualifies as a "good movie" and watch two unrealistically attractive Hallmark actors fall in love with each other in the most predictable ways.

6. Open your Bible.


I always feel a sense of peace and reassurance when I spend time with God. Whether through prayer or reading the Bible, it always seems to ease my mind of the stress to come.

7. Workout.


I am totally not a gym junkie. The last time I took a step into a gym, I walked right back out because I honestly didn't know what half the equipment was for. Even so, that doesn't stop me from attending a few dance cardio or yoga classes every so often. It may not be weight-lifting, but it's healthy and comfortable for me.

8. Paint your nails.


Most people disagree with me on this, but painting my nails is the biggest stress-reliever for me, so much that I set aside a night every two weeks where I turn on Netflix and give myself the (somewhat decent) manicure I need.

9. Talk to a friend.


Venting is healthy!!! Pick up the phone. Call that friend. Complain about your life. Within minutes, you'll have someone on your side. Within an hour, you'll be laughing at the situation altogether.

10. Go to bed early.


So sleep doesn't really fix any problems, but it does give you time to cool off and take a break from the stress in your life.

11. Drink tea.


Tea is calm in a cup. You just can't be upset with a cup of chamomile tea in your hand.

12. Journal.


While friends are a great source of venting, a journal is sometimes a more efficient method. You can write as much as you want without anyone telling you to stop, and it is all totally confidential!

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