Back To The 1980s!
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Student Life

Back To The 1980s!

Inebriated reminiscing about the first decade of my life

Back To The 1980s!
Clipart Kid

“What are you talking about? How old are you?”

These questions were asked minutes before my first class at Eastern Michigan University had even started. From the mouth of a young, blond, and aesthetically pretty student these words poured forth. The questions were uttered in response to my joke regarding Strong Hall’s (then) continued usage of chalkboards versus dry-erase boards. My joke was directed at the professor and was, in fact, motivated via reflection of my school days long past. Specifically, my words were, “Is it if we’re good or bad that determines if we have to slap the erasers together?”

If you’re unfamiliar with the golden and silver ages of elementary academia, allow me to enlighten you. Chalkboard erasers accrued significant chalk dust particles that demanded expulsion in order to maintain optimal eraser efficiency. This particle removal was achieved through the clapping together of said chalkboard erasers. Depending on your disposition, this task was either a delighted departure from regular classroom activities or an abysmal torture that no doubt tickled your asthmatic torture receptors.

Anyway, I digress. Really, my purpose here is to reflect upon my age and, rather specifically, the year of my birth. Narrowing this focus, I’ll set my sights as close as possible to my actual birthday, highlighting a variety of popular culture events and significant criteria upon which to set my rose-tinted glasses.

Song: “Coming Up” by Paul McCartney

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Paul McCartney, but a mere two weeks later the number one billboard song was "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me" by Billy Joel. If I could have prenatally chosen the most popular song of my birth, it surely would have been Billy Joel's selection.

Movie: "Airplane"

Movie's so hilarious you'll surely split your sides with laughter, but five weeks preceding (and the immediate week following) my birth, the most popular film was "Empire Strikes Back." Not that we can pick and choose, but, acknowledging that Star Wars is one of my foremost preferred fandoms, I really want to tip my hat to the second (or fifth) Star Wars film.

Book: "The Bourne Identity" by Robert Ludlum

Now this I can stand behind, thus I have very few qualms about "The Bourne Identity" being the NY Times best-selling book around the time of my birth. Many of you are likely more familiar with the Matt Damon/Paul Greengrass collaboration of the same name, a cinematic franchise that largely deviates from their source material.

Baseball Team: Philadelphia Phillies

Not hating on what was a great result, but they're not the Detroit Tigers, so I couldn't care less.

Best Selling Car: Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme

President-Elect: Ronald Reagan

Reagan won the 1980 election to be inaugurated in 1981's early days. Ignoring the blatant familiarity of the campaign slogan listed above, consider just how long ago this event seems. Some of my current classmates weren't even alive during the Clinton administration.

Olympic Shocker: U.S. defeats Russia in hockey

The 80s were, well, the 80s. The 80s was a decade of many things slicker than snot on a doorknob, but there are many things best left in our grandmother's hope chest (and never again allowed to see the light of day). Thumbs up all day for 80s rock 'n' roll and big hair. Thumbs down for spandex and leg warmers and ugly, boxy cars. Toys were gnarly. The music was boss. The memories are pleasantly clad in denim and given body via Aqua-Net. MTV was a station that predominantly played musics. Cell phones were barely conceivable, so mistakes and humiliations are left to cerebral recollection rather than YouTube incrimination.

To the young woman mentioned earlier, I responded that I was 36 years of age, offering a succinct and honest answer despite my desire to shine her on with something no doubt witty and brilliantly abrasive. Very much a non-traditional student, but I'm okay with it. My youth spanned one of the 20th century's most triumphant decades. I've had some incredible experiences, and made some outstanding friends, many of whom are still my friends today.

What's the point of all this? I'm reminiscing. I'm waxing rather curmudgeonly about things that aren't really that important. Truly I'm just conversing with myself upon reflection of age differences. I'm also equally curious to have comparative discussions with my younger peers in hopes that the discussion will provoke laughter and bellyaching.

However, I've got homework to do, so get off my lawn!

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