If you're anything like me, lots of everyday college situations can get you into a bit of a tizzy. Transitioning into college isn't an easy process, and some things just don't get better right away. Old habits die hard, you don't always know what to expect, and there's always that nagging voice telling you you're doing things wrong.
Because let's face it: we don't really know what we're doing all the time. Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the die-hard habits of anxious college students:
1. Walking Out of the Semester's First Classes Still Knowing Next to Nobody's Name
It seems like everybody else already knew someone else in the class or picked up on everyone's names quickly. But you've been in three other classes this week already. At this point, it's all blurring together and you just want to go home. But it's one of your only chances to get to know everybody at once. Sometimes you just have to hope you'll never be assigned group work.
2. Not Knowing What to Call Your Professor and Settling for "You"
People have so many titles. Sometimes you just don't know when it's appropriate to call a familiar professor by his or her first name, or when they should be addressed formally. Usually you just avoid using names at all costs.
3. Taking Forever to Write an Email
It always seems like the wording is wrong. Is it weird if you put "dear" in the first line? "Dear So-and-so" sounds so familiar. I think I'll just put "Hi...." Does this sound professional enough? Does it sound too professional? Do I come off as pretentious?
4. Waiting Until Class is Done to Leave the Room for Anything
Have to pee? Too bad, you'll have to cross in front of the whole room to do it and everyone will notice. You don't want an audience, do you?
5. Always Needing to Know Exactly Where You're Supposed to Be and When So You Don't Wind Up Alone
You text your friend every day when you're done with class before lunch, even though you both have class until the same time. You know, just in case they've decided they no longer like food.
6. Having a Mental List of Fun Facts About Yourself Just for Icebreakers
It's not that you're vain. It's just that you have nothing to say about yourself otherwise. And you have to have more than one, just in case somebody from your first class is in your third class, too. You don't want to sound dull.
7. Emailing Professors Instead of Taking Advantage of Office Hours
I mean, sure, you could go see them in person and get it over with. And sure, they may not email back in time. But hey, it saves you the awkwardness of an in-person conversation! And this way, you can get right down to business without having to ask about everyone's day.
8. Avoiding Social Events at All Costs
A party? Where there will be people? I don't think so.
9. Taking the Same Seat in Every Class, No Matter What
You'd rather die than sit across the room. After all, it's the only spot where you can learn. (That is, unless you have a friend in another spot.)
10. Avoiding Laundry Until the Last Minute
Because the creepy basement laundry room is...you know, creepy. And you don't want anyone to see your dirty polka-dotted underwear.
11. Making Up Excuses Not to Do Something
"Uhh....I'm busy then. I have a meeting at that time." (With Netflix.)
12. Knowing an Answer in Class, but Not Raising Your Hand to Share
And then the professor calls on you. Who wants to be wrong in public? "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln.
13. Awkwardly Looking at Your Phone Instead of Making Small Talk
There's nothing worse than an awkward silence in a conversation with a stranger.
14. Being Unable to Tell When It's Appropriate to Leave a Situation
Can I go now? Do I have to say goodbye to everyone, or just sneak out the back? Sneaking out sounds good...
15. Trying to Blend In and Act Like You Know What You're Doing
Actually, no, this a good habit. Fake it til you make it!
In the end, it turns out that everyone has their anxieties and awkward moments, and we all still manage. College is a great time to learn from our mistakes and get comfortable being uncomfortable. Best of all, we awkward people flock to each other, band together, and become ridiculously close friends.